Paediatric Craniofacial Surgery is one of the few dedicated divisions in the state of Kerala and the country, treating craniofacial problems (abnormal shape of child’s head and face) in kids. The treatment involves reconstructive surgeries to preserve or restore brain function (by reducing pressure on brain and airway issues) and improve aesthetics/appearance of the face.
Services Offered
Services Offered
- Correction of craniofacial anomalies/ craniosynostoses
(abnormal shapes of head and associated problems) - Simple/single craniosynostoses (coronal synostoses, sagittal synostoses, metopic synostoses lambdoid synostoses)
- Complex craniosynostoses (syndromic viz. crouzons, aperts, pfeiffers etc)
- Secondary craniosynostoses (post vp shunt etc)
- The options available are open remodelling, distraction and endoscopic with helmet application
- Hypertelorism correction
- Correction midface anomalies
- Traumatic craniofacial deformities
- Sleep study for related airway issues
- Correction of other abnormalities like syndactyly of fingers, rhinoplasty
- Revision surgery for previously operated craniosynostoses
- Antenatal counselling for fetal craniofacial pathologies
Contact Us
Phone: 0484 - 2851309, 0484 - 6681309
Email: [email protected]
Paediatric Craniofacial Surgery is one of the few dedicated divisions in the state of Kerala and the country, treating craniofacial problems (abnormal shape of child’s head and face) in kids. The treatment involves reconstructive surgeries to preserve or restore brain function (by reducing pressure on brain and airway issues) and improve aesthetics/appearance of the face.
Services Offered
Services Offered
- Correction of craniofacial anomalies/ craniosynostoses
(abnormal shapes of head and associated problems) - Simple/single craniosynostoses (coronal synostoses, sagittal synostoses, metopic synostoses lambdoid synostoses)
- Complex craniosynostoses (syndromic viz. crouzons, aperts, pfeiffers etc)
- Secondary craniosynostoses (post vp shunt etc)
- The options available are open remodelling, distraction and endoscopic with helmet application
- Hypertelorism correction
- Correction midface anomalies
- Traumatic craniofacial deformities
- Sleep study for related airway issues
- Correction of other abnormalities like syndactyly of fingers, rhinoplasty
- Revision surgery for previously operated craniosynostoses
- Antenatal counselling for fetal craniofacial pathologies
Contact Us
Phone: 0484 - 2851309, 0484 - 6681309
Email: [email protected]