The Obstetrics and Gynaecology department offers modern and comprehensive care for women of all ages, including diagnostic and treatment services, in a caring environment.
Advanced maternity services for normal and high-risk pregnancies, postpartum and family planning services, infertility screening and treatments. We also provide endoscopic gynaecological operations in addition to conventional gynaecology surgeries and medical therapies.
- High risk pregnancy
- Foetal medicine units
- Screening for foetal Aneuploidy and genetics
- Targeted foetal anomaly
- Gynaec-oncology screening
- Management of foetal abnormalities with involvement of multi-disciplinary team such as Paediatrics, paediatric cardiology, paediatric surgery and neonatology.
Diseases Treated
All types of Obstetrics cases which includes high risk pregnancy and Gynaecology cases including Advanced Laparoscopy and Robotic surgery
Outpatient Services
To Book appointments contact us at: 0484-2854003, 0484-6684003
OP services of the doctors are as follows:
Faculties available on Mondays and Thursdays
- Dr. Sarala Sreedhar- Professor Emeritus
- Dr. Chithra R- Professor
- Dr. Janaki Menon C M- Assistant Professor
- Dr. Aswathy Menon- Senior Resident
Faculties available on Tuesdays and Fridays
- Dr. Radhamany K- Professor Emeritus , Administrative head
- Dr. Janu M K- Professor
- Dr. Vinita Murali- Associate Professor
- Dr. Gopika S- Senior Resident
Faculties available on Wednesdays and Saturdays
- Dr. Sudha S- Professor
- Dr. Sobha S Nair- Professor & Head of The Department
- Dr. Rajashree Menon-Associate Professor
- Dr. Christaly R- Assistant Professor
Speciality Clinic
- Antenatal Clinic including high risk pregnancy
- Postnatal Clinic
- Fertility Clinic
- Menopausal Clinic
- Cancer screening Clinic
- Foetal Medicine unit
Why choose us?
Ours is a tertiary care centre, well equipped for handling all types of high-risk pregnancies and emergencies related to pregnancy and labour. We have the back up of a well-equipped NICU with all advanced life support systems.
Department offers modern and comprehensive care for women of all ages, including diagnostic and treatment services, in a caring environment.
Our Philosophy
Department works maintaining a good doctor-patient relationship and serve patients with compassion, care and integrity
What we offer
- Prompt Safe and Respectful Motherhoodindividual Labour suites
- Reducing Maternal Morbidity and Mortality
- Auditing and Reporting of cases
- Active Surveillance by Infection Control Department Auditing of all surgical site infection.
- Early screening of cancer and early detection of gynaecological malignancies
- Conservation of uterus in placenta accrete, percreta, AV malformation
- Minimally invasive surgeries such as robotic and laparoscopy has advantage of early recovery and less pain. Robotic surgery also has advantage of more precision, less blood loss and better patient satisfaction.
- Multidisciplinary team work, ICU Care for indicated cases
Services Offered
- Robotic Hysterectomy
- Robotic Myomectomy
- Robotic ovarian cystectomy/ ovariotomy
- Robotic Pectopexy
- Laparoscopic assisted vaginal Hysterectomy
- Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Simple and Complex
- Laparoscopic assisted vaginal Hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic Ovariotomy / Ovarian Cystectomy
- Laparoscopic rudimentary horn excision
- Laparoscopic salpingectomy for ectopic
- Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy
- Laparoscopic Myomectomy
- Laparoscopic Sterilization
- Advanced Laparoscopy for Stage 4 Endometriosis/Multiple previous surgeries.
- Total Abdominal Hysterectomy
- Vaginal Hysterectomy with Pelvic Floor Repair+ Sacrospinous Colpopexy
- Trans Obturator tape for Stress urinary incontinence
- Open Myomectomy ,Ovariotomy, Ovarian Cystectomy
- Non Descent Vaginal Hysterectomy
- Open tubalRecanalisation
- Cervical Encirclage- MC Donald’s and Shirodhkar
- Khanna’s sling surgery
- Diagnostic Hysterolaparoscopy for Infertility
- Septal resection for intrauterine septum
- Mesh Plasty for uterine scar dehiscence
- Endometrial Sampling, Mirena Insertion
- Cervical Cauterisation ,Conisation and Punch Biopsy
- Family Planning services.
- Hysteroscopic Polypectomy
- Septal resection
- Isthomocoel repair
- Myomectomy
High Risk Obstetrics
- Gestational hypertension, pre-eclampsia,
- Help-syndrome, chronic hypertension
- Overt diabetes-mellitus, gdm
- Acute panceatitis complicating pregnancy,
- Viral hepatits,
- Cholelithasis
- Epilepsy
- Ovarian malignancy with metastasis and rupture
- Valvulas disorders
- Nephrotic syndrome
- Placenta previa, placenta accreta
- Ttts
- Rh isoimmunisation
- Cerebral vasculitis syndrome
- Hypothyroidism/hyperthyroidism
- Cerebral vasculitis syndrome
- Maternal iccsol
- Maternal sepsis, shock
- Myotonic dystrophy
- Hoitoram syndrome
- Sle
- Sjogren’s syndrome
- Congenital complete heart block on pacemaker
- Fibroid complicating pregnancy
- Bernard soullier syndrome, itp, gestational thrombocytopic, thalassemia
- Sick sinus syndrome with pace maker
- Takayasu’s arteritis
- Fructose 1,6 diphophatase deficiency
- Pompes disease
- Mullerian anomalies
- Performed India’s first exit procedure, a combined caesarean, and open foetal surgery to address foetal airway obstruction.
- India’s first case of successful childbirth by a mother with Pompe’s disease
- First-ever uneventful delivery of quadruplets in Kerala
- Meshplasty for uterine caesarean lower scar dehiscence
- Robotic Xi and x system of DaVinci for Robotic surgeries
- Lap Cart with high definition camera
- Better Clarity , Vision and Precision , Shortness the duration of surgery, Less blood flow, Post operativemorbidility less as duration of surgery is reduced.
- Advanced CTG in labour room includes interpretation of results also
- Scanning Machine with Doppler in the Labour room gives better images & Cost effective Intervention can also be done with the newer machine.
- Energy Devices like Ligasures, harmonic Scalpel for better heamostasis during surgery
- Well equipped LR and Operation Theatre
- Post op recovery ICU
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures
- Pap Smear
- Pipelle Sampling and Tissue biopsy
- Mirena Insertion
- Copper T Insertion
- Diagnostic Hysteroscopy
- Laparoscopy
- Cervical Polypectomy
- Cervical Punch Biopsy
- D & C (under Anesthesia)
- Fractional curettage
- Aminocentesis/ CVB
- FTS for Aneuploidies
- NT Scan
- Anomaly Scan
- Doppler scan Obstetrics
- Transvaginal USG
- Robotic surgeries
- Laparoscopic Majorand Minor Surgeries
- Open Major and Minor Surgeries
- Cervical Encirclage
- Laparotomy
- Hysterotomy
- Uterine artery embolisation
Outreach Program
Amrita Health Centre
In Njarakkal, Palluruthy, Aleppey, Kaloor. Camps were conducing in a monthly basis in various areas for providing Antenatal and gynaec servces.
Contact Us
Phone: 0484 - 2854003, 0484 - 6684003
Email: [email protected]
The Obstetrics and Gynaecology department offers modern and comprehensive care for women of all ages, including diagnostic and treatment services, in a caring environment.
Advanced maternity services for normal and high-risk pregnancies, postpartum and family planning services, infertility screening and treatments. We also provide endoscopic gynaecological operations in addition to conventional gynaecology surgeries and medical therapies.
- High risk pregnancy
- Foetal medicine units
- Screening for foetal Aneuploidy and genetics
- Targeted foetal anomaly
- Gynaec-oncology screening
- Management of foetal abnormalities with involvement of multi-disciplinary team such as Paediatrics, paediatric cardiology, paediatric surgery and neonatology.
Diseases Treated
All types of Obstetrics cases which includes high risk pregnancy and Gynaecology cases including Advanced Laparoscopy and Robotic surgery
Outpatient Services
To Book appointments contact us at: 0484-2854003, 0484-6684003
OP services of the doctors are as follows:
Faculties available on Mondays and Thursdays
- Dr. Sarala Sreedhar- Professor Emeritus
- Dr. Chithra R- Professor
- Dr. Janaki Menon C M- Assistant Professor
- Dr. Aswathy Menon- Senior Resident
Faculties available on Tuesdays and Fridays
- Dr. Radhamany K- Professor Emeritus , Administrative head
- Dr. Janu M K- Professor
- Dr. Vinita Murali- Associate Professor
- Dr. Gopika S- Senior Resident
Faculties available on Wednesdays and Saturdays
- Dr. Sudha S- Professor
- Dr. Sobha S Nair- Professor & Head of The Department
- Dr. Rajashree Menon-Associate Professor
- Dr. Christaly R- Assistant Professor
Speciality Clinic
- Antenatal Clinic including high risk pregnancy
- Postnatal Clinic
- Fertility Clinic
- Menopausal Clinic
- Cancer screening Clinic
- Foetal Medicine unit
Why choose us?
Ours is a tertiary care centre, well equipped for handling all types of high-risk pregnancies and emergencies related to pregnancy and labour. We have the back up of a well-equipped NICU with all advanced life support systems.
Department offers modern and comprehensive care for women of all ages, including diagnostic and treatment services, in a caring environment.
Our Philosophy
Department works maintaining a good doctor-patient relationship and serve patients with compassion, care and integrity
What we offer
- Prompt Safe and Respectful Motherhoodindividual Labour suites
- Reducing Maternal Morbidity and Mortality
- Auditing and Reporting of cases
- Active Surveillance by Infection Control Department Auditing of all surgical site infection.
- Early screening of cancer and early detection of gynaecological malignancies
- Conservation of uterus in placenta accrete, percreta, AV malformation
- Minimally invasive surgeries such as robotic and laparoscopy has advantage of early recovery and less pain. Robotic surgery also has advantage of more precision, less blood loss and better patient satisfaction.
- Multidisciplinary team work, ICU Care for indicated cases
Services Offered
- Robotic Hysterectomy
- Robotic Myomectomy
- Robotic ovarian cystectomy/ ovariotomy
- Robotic Pectopexy
- Laparoscopic assisted vaginal Hysterectomy
- Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Simple and Complex
- Laparoscopic assisted vaginal Hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic Ovariotomy / Ovarian Cystectomy
- Laparoscopic rudimentary horn excision
- Laparoscopic salpingectomy for ectopic
- Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy
- Laparoscopic Myomectomy
- Laparoscopic Sterilization
- Advanced Laparoscopy for Stage 4 Endometriosis/Multiple previous surgeries.
- Total Abdominal Hysterectomy
- Vaginal Hysterectomy with Pelvic Floor Repair+ Sacrospinous Colpopexy
- Trans Obturator tape for Stress urinary incontinence
- Open Myomectomy ,Ovariotomy, Ovarian Cystectomy
- Non Descent Vaginal Hysterectomy
- Open tubalRecanalisation
- Cervical Encirclage- MC Donald’s and Shirodhkar
- Khanna’s sling surgery
- Diagnostic Hysterolaparoscopy for Infertility
- Septal resection for intrauterine septum
- Mesh Plasty for uterine scar dehiscence
- Endometrial Sampling, Mirena Insertion
- Cervical Cauterisation ,Conisation and Punch Biopsy
- Family Planning services.
- Hysteroscopic Polypectomy
- Septal resection
- Isthomocoel repair
- Myomectomy
High Risk Obstetrics
- Gestational hypertension, pre-eclampsia,
- Help-syndrome, chronic hypertension
- Overt diabetes-mellitus, gdm
- Acute panceatitis complicating pregnancy,
- Viral hepatits,
- Cholelithasis
- Epilepsy
- Ovarian malignancy with metastasis and rupture
- Valvulas disorders
- Nephrotic syndrome
- Placenta previa, placenta accreta
- Ttts
- Rh isoimmunisation
- Cerebral vasculitis syndrome
- Hypothyroidism/hyperthyroidism
- Cerebral vasculitis syndrome
- Maternal iccsol
- Maternal sepsis, shock
- Myotonic dystrophy
- Hoitoram syndrome
- Sle
- Sjogren’s syndrome
- Congenital complete heart block on pacemaker
- Fibroid complicating pregnancy
- Bernard soullier syndrome, itp, gestational thrombocytopic, thalassemia
- Sick sinus syndrome with pace maker
- Takayasu’s arteritis
- Fructose 1,6 diphophatase deficiency
- Pompes disease
- Mullerian anomalies
- Performed India’s first exit procedure, a combined caesarean, and open foetal surgery to address foetal airway obstruction.
- India’s first case of successful childbirth by a mother with Pompe’s disease
- First-ever uneventful delivery of quadruplets in Kerala
- Meshplasty for uterine caesarean lower scar dehiscence
- Robotic Xi and x system of DaVinci for Robotic surgeries
- Lap Cart with high definition camera
- Better Clarity , Vision and Precision , Shortness the duration of surgery, Less blood flow, Post operativemorbidility less as duration of surgery is reduced.
- Advanced CTG in labour room includes interpretation of results also
- Scanning Machine with Doppler in the Labour room gives better images & Cost effective Intervention can also be done with the newer machine.
- Energy Devices like Ligasures, harmonic Scalpel for better heamostasis during surgery
- Well equipped LR and Operation Theatre
- Post op recovery ICU
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures
- Pap Smear
- Pipelle Sampling and Tissue biopsy
- Mirena Insertion
- Copper T Insertion
- Diagnostic Hysteroscopy
- Laparoscopy
- Cervical Polypectomy
- Cervical Punch Biopsy
- D & C (under Anesthesia)
- Fractional curettage
- Aminocentesis/ CVB
- FTS for Aneuploidies
- NT Scan
- Anomaly Scan
- Doppler scan Obstetrics
- Transvaginal USG
- Robotic surgeries
- Laparoscopic Majorand Minor Surgeries
- Open Major and Minor Surgeries
- Cervical Encirclage
- Laparotomy
- Hysterotomy
- Uterine artery embolisation
Outreach Program
Amrita Health Centre
In Njarakkal, Palluruthy, Aleppey, Kaloor. Camps were conducing in a monthly basis in various areas for providing Antenatal and gynaec servces.
Contact Us
Phone: 0484 - 2854003, 0484 - 6684003
Email: [email protected]