
Childhood Asthma

Feb 28, 2023

Does your child show breathing troubles while exposed to allergens like pollen, dust mites, pet dander, or cold weather? Childhood asthma can interfere with a child's everyday activities like sports and games, school, and sleep. When exposed to certain substances, such as pollen or having a cold or other respiratory illness, the lungs and airways become easily inflamed, causing shortness of breath, or wheezing in the child.

Childhood asthma is like adult asthma, but children face unique issues. This illness is the main cause of emergency hospital visits, hospitalizations, and absence from school. Asthma symptoms differ from child to child. 

 Symptoms of Childhood Asthma

  • Continues to cough for days (which may be the only symptom)   
  • Frequent cough, particularly during play or exercise, at night, in the winter season, or when laughing or crying   
  • A cough that increases after a viral infection   
  • Playing with less energy and pausing to collect their breath throughout activities
  • Refusing to take part in sports or social activities
  • Lack of sleep due to coughing and breathing issues   
  • Breathing fast   
  • Chest pain   
  • Wheezing is a whistling sound
  • See-saw movement in the chest
  • Shortness of breath   
  • Muscles in the neck and chest become stiff.   
  • Week or tired   
  • Grunting while eating or having difficulty swallowing (in infants)

Causes of Asthma in Children

  • Food and environmental Allergens   
  • Cold and respiratory infections
  • Cigarette smoke, including secondhand smoke, 
  • Air pollution   
  • Rapid temperature change   
  • Excitement and Stress 

Childhood Asthma Treatments

It might be challenging to diagnose a child with asthma because they may show no symptoms for a long time before having an asthma attack. It can often be difficult to tell the difference between asthma and other respiratory diseases, and some children may struggle to communicate their symptoms. A doctor will enquire about the child's medical history and conduct a physical and medical examination. If a family member has asthma or allergies, the child's chances of developing asthma are higher.

You can also refer to related blogs:-

Prevention Methods for Asthma in Children

Proper planning and execution may help your children to prevent asthma attacks.  

  • Limit exposure to asthma triggers by avoiding the allergens.  
  • Do not allow smoking around your child.   
  • Encourage your child to engage in physical activity. Regular physical activity can aid in the proper operation of the lungs. 
  • Do not ignore signs given by the child so go for a regular check-up. 
  • Maintain a healthy weight for your child a   
  • Keep heartburn under control.  

Consult your doctor at Amrita Hospitals for a detailed medical examination and treatment.

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