

Sep 26, 2023
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What happens when your blood does not carry enough oxygen to the rest of your body? You feel tired, cold, dizzy, and irritable. You go short of breath and get a severe headache, and a routine blood test will indicate a low hemoglobin count. This condition is called anemia. It suggests the lack of healthy red blood cells in your body for carrying adequate oxygen to the tissues. 

Symptoms  of anemia

  • Fatigue, dizziness, and weakness  
  • Lightheadedness and might pass out  
  • Fast or unusual heartbeat 
  • Headache and body pain
  • Growth related problems in children and teens
  • Pale or yellow skin  
  • Go short of breath  
  • Skin that's pale or yellow 
  • Hands and feet remain cold
  • Causes and Reasons 

Anemia happens when there are not enough red blood cells. You lose red blood cells due to bleeding, or your body destroys red blood cells. Depending on the type, anemia varies from mild to severe. While some are not a significant concern, others could reflect a serious underlying medical condition. 

Different types of anemia have different kinds of causes due to increased destruction or loss of red blood cells or reduced production from bone marrow which could be because of bone marrow failure or abnormal cells in bone marrow preventing the rood blood cells to form. 

Treatment for anemia

Treatment depends on the type of anemia as well as the causes. From supplements to medications, blood transfusions or a bone marrow transplant are given to patients depending on their specific conditions. 

Consult your doctor for a detailed medical examination and treatment. 

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