Department of GI Surgery at Amrita Hospital, Kochi is organising a 'Training in Advanced Laproscopic Surgery' at Amrita Hospital, Kochi.
To get familiar with the most advanced minimally invasive techniques for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas, spleen diseases
Course Itinerary
Day: 1 & 2
Dry-Lab Simulation Training in Knotting & Suturing (9AM TO 5 PM) by Master Trainer S. Prakash Babu
- To Hints and tips of laparoscopic suturing
- Ergonomics and port placement for laparoscopic suturing
- Effective and safe laparoscopic tissue handling
- Interrupted and continuous suturing techniques
- A range of needle manipulation techniques and handling skills and accurate bite placement
- Intracorporeal surgeon’s knot and tumbled square knot
- Extra-corporeal knotting techniques
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course each trainee should be able to:
- Safely introduce and pick up a curved needle in an appropriate position to make a bite through tissue.
- Pass a needle and suture through tissues at suitable depth and distance for interrupted and continuous suturing
- Tie a safe laparoscopic Surgeon’s knot
- Create a laparoscopic tumbled square knot
- Demonstrate continuous suturing, maintaining tension and completing the suture line safelyacquire advanced laparoscopic skills in the lab: suturing, handsewn anastomosis, bleed controls in emergency situations
DAY: 3 to 14
Training Advanced (9AM TO 5 PM)
- Real-time didactic exposure to all
- Advanced Laparoscopic Surgical Procedures and Oncological Surgery of the GI Tract,
- Pancreatico-Biliary Surgery
- Gastric and Oesophageal Surgery
- Specialized Colorectal Surgery Including Sphincter Saving,
- Stapled And Pouch Procedures
- Intra-Abdominal Vascular Reconstructions
- Retroperitoneal Tumour Excisions
- Intra-Abdominal Trauma
Course Highlights
- The Best faculties
- Immaculate training modules
- Limited seats ( one per month for each course)
- One-to-one didactic
- Highly engaging ambiance
- World-class Dry-Lab
- Simulation experience
- Course certificate
For Registration Please Contact,
Divya P. S.,
Course Coordinator,
[email protected]

Dr. O V Sudheer
Course Director

Dr. Binoj T. S.
MS (General Surgery), DNB (Gastrointestinal Surgery)

Dr. Guhan Krishnan
MS (General Surgery), MCH (Gastrointestinal Surgery)

Dr. Swetha Mallik
MS (General Surgery), MCH (Gastrointestinal Surgery)

Dr. Krishnanunni Nair
MS (General Surgery), MCH (Gastrointestinal Surgery)

Dr. G. Unnikrishnan
MS (General Surgery), MCH (Gastrointestinal Surgery)

Dr. Christi Titus Varghese
MS (General Surgery), MCH (Gastrointestinal Surgery), MRCS (ED)