Dr. Siby Gopinath is a clinical neurologist, epileptologist, and electrophysiologist working since 2001 at Amrita Hospital, Kochi. She expertise in epilepsy sub-specialty, neuroelectrophysiology and sleep medicine. She underwent a specialised overseas training in epilepsy in Cleveland Clinic, Ohio and Toronto West Hospital, Canada. With this background she developed state-of-the-art Amrita Advanced Centre for Epilepsy (AACE) and Sleep Medicine, which subsequently became the largest epilepsy monitoring centre in the country and the first centre in the country to start a stereo-EEG program. It remains a centre with the highest number of stereo-EEGs done in the country. Stereo EEG is a minimally invasive technique (meaning not requiring open brain surgery) for recoding electrical activity from the brain and also for mapping the seizure and brain functions. She is currently Professor of Neurology and the director of Adult division of Epilepsy unit, at Amrita Advanced Centre for Epilepsy and Sleep medicine. She treats patients with epilepsy and has expertise in the management of patients with medically refractory epilepsy. Epilepsy surgery remains the mainstay of treatment for this difficult to treat group of epilepsy patients. She plays an integral role in the surgical treatment of epilepsy. Apart from the medical and surgical management, she is also experienced in treating epilepsy with dietary modifications (ketogenic diet), Deep Brain Stiumulation and minimally invasive surgical technique like radiofrequency ablation (a technique similar to Laser therapy).
- Epilepsy
- Neuroelectrophysiology
- Sleep medicine
- Electroencephalography
- Stereo-EEG (intracranial EEG)
- Functional brain mapping including seizure mapping, functional mapping, neurostimulation techniques
- Narcolepsy and sleep apnea.
- She has successfully established the intra-operative neurophysiology program
Training in epilepsy
Cleveland Clinic Ohio Toronto
Training in epilepsy
West Hospital, Canada
Training in high-density EEG
University Hospital, Geneva under Dr. Margitta Seeck
- English
- Hindi
- Malayalam
16 years of expertise in the field of epilepsy and neurology
- World's Best Epileptologist.
Dr. Siby Gopinath is a clinical neurologist, epileptologist, and electrophysiologist working since 2001 at Amrita Hospital, Kochi. She expertise in epilepsy sub-specialty, neuroelectrophysiology and sleep medicine. She underwent a specialised overseas training in epilepsy in Cleveland Clinic, Ohio and Toronto West Hospital, Canada. With this background she developed state-of-the-art Amrita Advanced Centre for Epilepsy (AACE) and Sleep Medicine, which subsequently became the largest epilepsy monitoring centre in the country and the first centre in the country to start a stereo-EEG program. It remains a centre with the highest number of stereo-EEGs done in the country. Stereo EEG is a minimally invasive technique (meaning not requiring open brain surgery) for recoding electrical activity from the brain and also for mapping the seizure and brain functions. She is currently Professor of Neurology and the director of Adult division of Epilepsy unit, at Amrita Advanced Centre for Epilepsy and Sleep medicine. She treats patients with epilepsy and has expertise in the management of patients with medically refractory epilepsy. Epilepsy surgery remains the mainstay of treatment for this difficult to treat group of epilepsy patients. She plays an integral role in the surgical treatment of epilepsy. Apart from the medical and surgical management, she is also experienced in treating epilepsy with dietary modifications (ketogenic diet), Deep Brain Stiumulation and minimally invasive surgical technique like radiofrequency ablation (a technique similar to Laser therapy).
- Epilepsy
- Neuroelectrophysiology
- Sleep medicine
- Electroencephalography
- Stereo-EEG (intracranial EEG)
- Functional brain mapping including seizure mapping, functional mapping, neurostimulation techniques
- Narcolepsy and sleep apnea.
- She has successfully established the intra-operative neurophysiology program
Training in epilepsy
Cleveland Clinic Ohio Toronto
Training in epilepsy
West Hospital, Canada
Training in high-density EEG
University Hospital, Geneva under Dr. Margitta Seeck
- English
- Hindi
- Malayalam
16 years of expertise in the field of epilepsy and neurology
- World's Best Epileptologist.