The Department of Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Urology treats children from day one to eighteen years of age. All the facilities to take care of children needing surgery are available under one roof. A well-experienced team of doctors is available to take round-the-clock care of the children. All types of Minimal Access (Key hole) and open and surgeries are performed in the department. Excellent supportive care in the form of a tertiary care Neonatal ICU is available for sick and critical newborn babies and a fully equipped pediatric ICU with pediatric ventilators and 24 x 7 Paediatric Intensivist backup.
- Paediatric Urology
- Paediatric Laparoscopic and Thorcoscopic surgeries
- Paediatric Gastro intestinal and Hepatobiliary Surgery
- Paediatric Chest Surgery
- Paediatric Cancer Surgery
- Neonatal Surgery
- Paediatric Trauma
- Fetal Surgery
Diseases Treated
A well-experienced team of doctors is available to take round-the-clock care of the children.
Pediatric Urology
A wide spectrum of diseases affecting kidneys, bladder and the genital systems are routinely treated including pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction, Vesico ureteric Reflux, hypospadias, Posterior urethral valves, Exstrophy-Epispadias complex, ambiguous genitals etc.
Laparoscopy and Thoracoscopy
Laparoscopy for a variety of problems like Pelvi ureteric junction obstruction (Blockage to the urine flow from the kidneys), Vesico-ureteric Reflux and gastrointestinal problems like appendicitis, gastro esophageal reflux, choledochal cyst, Intussusception, Meckel’s diverticulum etc. are performed. Thoracoscopic surgeries are being done for empyema, congenital lung problems and oesophageal cysts.
Neonatal Surgery
With the availability of modern amenities and support from our neonatal team and a well-equipped NICU, all types of newborn surgeries are performed by the department for congenital problems, e.g., esophageal atresia, diaphragmatic hernia repair, intestinal obstruction, ano-rectal malformations etc.
Pediatric Chest Surgery
Surgery for congenital disorders of lungs like cysts, Lobar emphysema etc., is being performed. Esophageal problems including replacement of esophagus, mediastinal tumor is undertaken regularly. Bronchoscopy for diagnosis of airway diseases and removal of foreign body is also carried out.
Pediatric Tumors
Treatment is provided for Wilms' tumor, neuroblastoma, sacrococcygeal teratoma, ovarian tumors etc
Fetal Surgery
Conditions like urinary tract obstructions (posterior urethral valves), Tumours in the chest causing breathing problems, Myelomeningocele because of defect in spinal cord development, Block in the wind pipe of the baby (tracheal obstructions) can be operated and cured during pregnancy before delivery preventing damage to the organs of the baby.
Outpatient Services
Comprehensive care for children with Kidney diseases along with Paediatric Nephrology
Care of Gastrointestinal and liver problems in children along with Paediatric Gastroenterology team
Care of Surgical Lung and pleural diseases in children along with Paediatric Pulmonology Team
Multispecialty Spina Bifida Clinic along with Paediatric Neurosurgery, Orthopedic and Physical Medicine specialists
Prenatal evaluations and counseling and surgery
Postnatal diagnostic assessments
Multi-system evaluation for anomalies, tumours and trauma
Paediatric Radiology and Nuclear Medicine Services
Please find the OP days of doctors below:
- Dr. Naveen Viswanath, Professor and Head (Monday, Wednesday and Friday)
- Dr. Mohan Abraham, Professor Emeritus (Tuesday and Thursday)
- Dr. Bindu S., Additional Professor (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday)
- Dr. Aswin Prabhakaran, Assistant Professor (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday)
- Dr. Pramod Pillai, Assistant Professor (Monday, Wednesday and Friday)
To Book Appointments: 0484 – 2858420, 0484 - 6688420
Why choose us?
Our Department is staffed with a dedicated and well qualified team of Healthcare Professionals who have specialized in Paediatric Surgery and Urology. We have state of the art operation theatre facilities and a dedicated and highly qualified Paediatric Anaesthesiology team. With the availability of all well trained Paediatric superspecialities, we are equipped with dealing with any high risk Paediatric surgical problems.
What we offer?
Our mission is to educate the medical fraternity regarding the common Paediatric Surgical problems, their prognosis and give a world class Paediatric Surgery care at affordable cost to the people. With a focus on our little patients’ well-being, we strive to deliver comprehensive care, continuously enhancing our expertise and fostering team work.
- Dedicated paediatric surgical ward with qualified and trained staff
- Well-equipped operation theaters with temperature control, miniature cystoscopes, 3mm laparoscopic instruments, paediatric bronchoscopes, patient warmers, etc
- Highy specialized team of Paediatric Anaesthesiologists
- Modern monitoring equipment like pulse oximeters, infant warmers, infusion pumps, etc.
- Fully equipped paediatric surgical ICU with paediatric ventilators and round the clock anaesthetist back up is available
- NICU with modern ventilators, infant warmers, apnoea monitors etc.
If there is obstruction to the baby’s urine it is possible to remove that during pregnancy. All cases do not need surgery. Only those instances where the kidneys are progressively getting worse need surgery. You will need to contact us for further revaluation.
Your baby may not be able to breath after delivery. So, an artificial airway may have to be established at the time of delivery before the baby come out of the uterus called an EXIT procedure.
Your baby may have a condition called Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis also called pyloric tumor. The muscle around the outlet of stomach thickens and does not allow the feeds to go down. Occasionally you may see a small bulge in the upper abdomen moving to the right. Reduced number of nappies is an indication of dehydration and needs immediate attention. The condition is diagnosed by ultrasound and needs surgery. Laparoscopic surgery can be done for this condition. The results of surgery are very good.
The condition is called Undescended testis and requires corrective surgery early, usually before the child is 6 months old. Left alone the testicle will get damaged due to its abnormal position. Depending up on where the testis is your doctor may advice open operation or laparoscopic surgery.
Most likely your child is suffering from a Hernia. Yes, children can also suffer from hernia but they are little different from their adult counterpart. They should be repaired as soon as diagnosed since occasionally intestines can get entrapped inside leading to a situation where emergency surgery is required. The hernia can be corrected by a simple and quick laparoscopic surgery.
Your daughter may be suffering from hydronephrosis of kidney. This may be due to a blockage in the urine passage and requires immediate attention as a delay in treatment may lead to permanent damage to the affected kidney. The child may need surgery or continued observation. You should see a paediatric surgeon who would do appropriate tests including ultrasound scan and nuclear renogram to assess the severity of the condition and advice you accordingly.
This is called a Hemangioma and appears early after birth and grow rapidly in first two years of life. It usually tends to undergo regression in size after that and will slowly disappear after several years. Nothing needs to be done in majority of cases. Some problematic ones may need treatment with oral medications or by injection within the tumor.
It is important to investigate your daughter at the earliest as she may have a problem of urine going back up in to the kidney/s from her bladder, a condition called reflux disease. Recurrent infections can damage the kidneys and result in loss of function or high blood pressure. If less severe this can get corrected by it self but the child needs to be on continuous low dose antibiotic until this gets corrected to prevent damage to the kidney/s. Severe degree of reflux or development of scarring or high blood pressure may require surgical correction.
Your son appears to have a condition called Hypospadias. This usually requires surgical correction between six months to two years of age and may need one or more than one stage to correct. The deformity is fully correctable. The operation is a fairly major one and the child may need to stay in the hospital for up to 10 days.
This is called a Hemangioma and appears early after birth and grow rapidly in first two years of life. It usually tends to undergo regression in size after that and will slowly disappear after several years. Nothing needs to be done in majority of cases. Some problematic ones may need treatment with oral medications or by injection within the tumor.
Your daughter’s condition needs to be investigated urgently as she may be suffering from a serious condition called Biliary Atresia. In this flow of bile from the liver is impaired resulting in damage to the liver resulting in cirrhosis of liver. The condition requires correction within first 60 days of life to prevent irreversible damage to liver. Treatment involves a major operation on liver. In advanced cases with cirrhosis only treatment is replacement of liver (Transplantation).
The swellings you are describing are likely to be cervical lymph nodes. These are normally present in various places in the body and protect us from invading organisms. They become enlarged in response to repeated infections, tuberculosis or sometimes due to cancer. In majority of cases they are just the sign of body’s normal response and do not require treatment but you should see your doctor to make sure they are not due to some other serious disease.
The child needs to be evaluated by the surgeon. He should be evaluated with a barium enema to rule out Hirschsprung’s Disease, which is condition where there is an absence of nerve cells to the intestine, causing decreased bowel movement. If this is present, the child will need surgery. If barium enema is normal the child is to be treated with dietary modifications, toilet training and medications.
The child vomits after each feed and there will be poor weight gain. The condition seems to be gastroesophageal reflux. The child needs to be evaluated with an upper GI study. The child needs to be started on prokinetics with antacids and would also need to be given small frequent feeds with head end up positioning of the child during feeds and sleep. 90% of children will respond to this and the vomiting will subside in 3 to 6 months. If it does not subside and produce frequent respiratory tract infection and failure to gain weight, he may need surgery.
- The only full-fledged department of Paediatric Surgery under private sector in Kerala
- Innovated seven surgical techniques in Paediatric surgery
- First in India to perform Foker’s Technique for Long gap Oesophageal Atresia in Newborns
- Performed India’s first EXIT Procedure to address Foetal Airway Obstruction
- Performed First Paediatric Robotic Surgery in Kerala
- First in Kerala to perform Thorcoscopic surgeries for Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia and Tracheo esophageal Fistula in newborn babies
- First in Kerala to perform Vesicoscopic ureteric reimplantation and Laparoscopic Choledochal cyst excision
Contact Us
Phone: 0484 – 2858420, 0484 - 6688420
Email: [email protected]
The Department of Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Urology treats children from day one to eighteen years of age. All the facilities to take care of children needing surgery are available under one roof. A well-experienced team of doctors is available to take round-the-clock care of the children. All types of Minimal Access (Key hole) and open and surgeries are performed in the department. Excellent supportive care in the form of a tertiary care Neonatal ICU is available for sick and critical newborn babies and a fully equipped pediatric ICU with pediatric ventilators and 24 x 7 Paediatric Intensivist backup.
- Paediatric Urology
- Paediatric Laparoscopic and Thorcoscopic surgeries
- Paediatric Gastro intestinal and Hepatobiliary Surgery
- Paediatric Chest Surgery
- Paediatric Cancer Surgery
- Neonatal Surgery
- Paediatric Trauma
- Fetal Surgery
Diseases Treated
A well-experienced team of doctors is available to take round-the-clock care of the children.
Pediatric Urology
A wide spectrum of diseases affecting kidneys, bladder and the genital systems are routinely treated including pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction, Vesico ureteric Reflux, hypospadias, Posterior urethral valves, Exstrophy-Epispadias complex, ambiguous genitals etc.
Laparoscopy and Thoracoscopy
Laparoscopy for a variety of problems like Pelvi ureteric junction obstruction (Blockage to the urine flow from the kidneys), Vesico-ureteric Reflux and gastrointestinal problems like appendicitis, gastro esophageal reflux, choledochal cyst, Intussusception, Meckel’s diverticulum etc. are performed. Thoracoscopic surgeries are being done for empyema, congenital lung problems and oesophageal cysts.
Neonatal Surgery
With the availability of modern amenities and support from our neonatal team and a well-equipped NICU, all types of newborn surgeries are performed by the department for congenital problems, e.g., esophageal atresia, diaphragmatic hernia repair, intestinal obstruction, ano-rectal malformations etc.
Pediatric Chest Surgery
Surgery for congenital disorders of lungs like cysts, Lobar emphysema etc., is being performed. Esophageal problems including replacement of esophagus, mediastinal tumor is undertaken regularly. Bronchoscopy for diagnosis of airway diseases and removal of foreign body is also carried out.
Pediatric Tumors
Treatment is provided for Wilms' tumor, neuroblastoma, sacrococcygeal teratoma, ovarian tumors etc
Fetal Surgery
Conditions like urinary tract obstructions (posterior urethral valves), Tumours in the chest causing breathing problems, Myelomeningocele because of defect in spinal cord development, Block in the wind pipe of the baby (tracheal obstructions) can be operated and cured during pregnancy before delivery preventing damage to the organs of the baby.
Outpatient Services
Comprehensive care for children with Kidney diseases along with Paediatric Nephrology
Care of Gastrointestinal and liver problems in children along with Paediatric Gastroenterology team
Care of Surgical Lung and pleural diseases in children along with Paediatric Pulmonology Team
Multispecialty Spina Bifida Clinic along with Paediatric Neurosurgery, Orthopedic and Physical Medicine specialists
Prenatal evaluations and counseling and surgery
Postnatal diagnostic assessments
Multi-system evaluation for anomalies, tumours and trauma
Paediatric Radiology and Nuclear Medicine Services
Please find the OP days of doctors below:
- Dr. Naveen Viswanath, Professor and Head (Monday, Wednesday and Friday)
- Dr. Mohan Abraham, Professor Emeritus (Tuesday and Thursday)
- Dr. Bindu S., Additional Professor (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday)
- Dr. Aswin Prabhakaran, Assistant Professor (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday)
- Dr. Pramod Pillai, Assistant Professor (Monday, Wednesday and Friday)
To Book Appointments: 0484 – 2858420, 0484 - 6688420
Why choose us?
Our Department is staffed with a dedicated and well qualified team of Healthcare Professionals who have specialized in Paediatric Surgery and Urology. We have state of the art operation theatre facilities and a dedicated and highly qualified Paediatric Anaesthesiology team. With the availability of all well trained Paediatric superspecialities, we are equipped with dealing with any high risk Paediatric surgical problems.
What we offer?
Our mission is to educate the medical fraternity regarding the common Paediatric Surgical problems, their prognosis and give a world class Paediatric Surgery care at affordable cost to the people. With a focus on our little patients’ well-being, we strive to deliver comprehensive care, continuously enhancing our expertise and fostering team work.
- Dedicated paediatric surgical ward with qualified and trained staff
- Well-equipped operation theaters with temperature control, miniature cystoscopes, 3mm laparoscopic instruments, paediatric bronchoscopes, patient warmers, etc
- Highy specialized team of Paediatric Anaesthesiologists
- Modern monitoring equipment like pulse oximeters, infant warmers, infusion pumps, etc.
- Fully equipped paediatric surgical ICU with paediatric ventilators and round the clock anaesthetist back up is available
- NICU with modern ventilators, infant warmers, apnoea monitors etc.
If there is obstruction to the baby’s urine it is possible to remove that during pregnancy. All cases do not need surgery. Only those instances where the kidneys are progressively getting worse need surgery. You will need to contact us for further revaluation.
Your baby may not be able to breath after delivery. So, an artificial airway may have to be established at the time of delivery before the baby come out of the uterus called an EXIT procedure.
Your baby may have a condition called Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis also called pyloric tumor. The muscle around the outlet of stomach thickens and does not allow the feeds to go down. Occasionally you may see a small bulge in the upper abdomen moving to the right. Reduced number of nappies is an indication of dehydration and needs immediate attention. The condition is diagnosed by ultrasound and needs surgery. Laparoscopic surgery can be done for this condition. The results of surgery are very good.
The condition is called Undescended testis and requires corrective surgery early, usually before the child is 6 months old. Left alone the testicle will get damaged due to its abnormal position. Depending up on where the testis is your doctor may advice open operation or laparoscopic surgery.
Most likely your child is suffering from a Hernia. Yes, children can also suffer from hernia but they are little different from their adult counterpart. They should be repaired as soon as diagnosed since occasionally intestines can get entrapped inside leading to a situation where emergency surgery is required. The hernia can be corrected by a simple and quick laparoscopic surgery.
Your daughter may be suffering from hydronephrosis of kidney. This may be due to a blockage in the urine passage and requires immediate attention as a delay in treatment may lead to permanent damage to the affected kidney. The child may need surgery or continued observation. You should see a paediatric surgeon who would do appropriate tests including ultrasound scan and nuclear renogram to assess the severity of the condition and advice you accordingly.
This is called a Hemangioma and appears early after birth and grow rapidly in first two years of life. It usually tends to undergo regression in size after that and will slowly disappear after several years. Nothing needs to be done in majority of cases. Some problematic ones may need treatment with oral medications or by injection within the tumor.
It is important to investigate your daughter at the earliest as she may have a problem of urine going back up in to the kidney/s from her bladder, a condition called reflux disease. Recurrent infections can damage the kidneys and result in loss of function or high blood pressure. If less severe this can get corrected by it self but the child needs to be on continuous low dose antibiotic until this gets corrected to prevent damage to the kidney/s. Severe degree of reflux or development of scarring or high blood pressure may require surgical correction.
Your son appears to have a condition called Hypospadias. This usually requires surgical correction between six months to two years of age and may need one or more than one stage to correct. The deformity is fully correctable. The operation is a fairly major one and the child may need to stay in the hospital for up to 10 days.
This is called a Hemangioma and appears early after birth and grow rapidly in first two years of life. It usually tends to undergo regression in size after that and will slowly disappear after several years. Nothing needs to be done in majority of cases. Some problematic ones may need treatment with oral medications or by injection within the tumor.
Your daughter’s condition needs to be investigated urgently as she may be suffering from a serious condition called Biliary Atresia. In this flow of bile from the liver is impaired resulting in damage to the liver resulting in cirrhosis of liver. The condition requires correction within first 60 days of life to prevent irreversible damage to liver. Treatment involves a major operation on liver. In advanced cases with cirrhosis only treatment is replacement of liver (Transplantation).
The swellings you are describing are likely to be cervical lymph nodes. These are normally present in various places in the body and protect us from invading organisms. They become enlarged in response to repeated infections, tuberculosis or sometimes due to cancer. In majority of cases they are just the sign of body’s normal response and do not require treatment but you should see your doctor to make sure they are not due to some other serious disease.
The child needs to be evaluated by the surgeon. He should be evaluated with a barium enema to rule out Hirschsprung’s Disease, which is condition where there is an absence of nerve cells to the intestine, causing decreased bowel movement. If this is present, the child will need surgery. If barium enema is normal the child is to be treated with dietary modifications, toilet training and medications.
The child vomits after each feed and there will be poor weight gain. The condition seems to be gastroesophageal reflux. The child needs to be evaluated with an upper GI study. The child needs to be started on prokinetics with antacids and would also need to be given small frequent feeds with head end up positioning of the child during feeds and sleep. 90% of children will respond to this and the vomiting will subside in 3 to 6 months. If it does not subside and produce frequent respiratory tract infection and failure to gain weight, he may need surgery.
- The only full-fledged department of Paediatric Surgery under private sector in Kerala
- Innovated seven surgical techniques in Paediatric surgery
- First in India to perform Foker’s Technique for Long gap Oesophageal Atresia in Newborns
- Performed India’s first EXIT Procedure to address Foetal Airway Obstruction
- Performed First Paediatric Robotic Surgery in Kerala
- First in Kerala to perform Thorcoscopic surgeries for Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia and Tracheo esophageal Fistula in newborn babies
- First in Kerala to perform Vesicoscopic ureteric reimplantation and Laparoscopic Choledochal cyst excision
Contact Us
Phone: 0484 – 2858420, 0484 - 6688420
Email: [email protected]