Amrita Clinical Laboratory Services

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By continuously introducing new and improved tests, technology and services, Amrita Laboratory Services has established a reputation as the leading innovator in the clinical laboratory service. Diagnostic testing is essential to the basic management of patient care, allowing physicians to detect disease earlier, make diagnoses, prescribe therapies and monitor results.

Whether it is a routine lab test, or one of the most technologically advanced tests for detecting genetic deletions and mutations, Amrita Laboratory Services provides the medical community with the most comprehensive laboratory testing menu available.

The laboratory services at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS) comprises a reference diagnostic clinical laboratory, which includes advanced Molecular biology, Human Cytogenetics, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Serology, Histopathology, Cytopathology, Haematology, Metabolic disorders,  Toxicology and Poison Centre and Transfusion Medicine.

The laboratory services carry out its medical testing activities meeting the requirements of ISO 15189:2007, NABL specific criteria. The laboratory services are designed to meet the needs of patients and medical professionals looking for test results, appropriate interpretation and advisory services.

The labs are equipped with state-of-the-art, fully automated chemistry and hematology analyzers. Comprehensive testing capabilities include clinical diagnostic tests covering various fields of medical specializations some of which are not offered elsewhere in Kerala.

Now, through our AIMS laboratory facility in Kochi, we provide unique value to physicians, in the diagnostics, cancer and infectious disease testing, including diseases, such as the Chikungunya and Dengue viruses.



The Biochemistry and Haematology laboratory services provide a rapid and comprehensive analysis of the chemistry and cellular components of blood and body fluids. This is achieved by accurate random access chemistry analyzers, specialized immuno-analyzers, automated coagulation analyzers and automated CBC and 5-part differential hematology instruments. These instruments directly interface with AIMS Laboratory Information System. Results after verification by competent staff can be viewed at all terminals located in wards and outpatient departments. Automated workflow is the standard procedure in the laboratory. Automation allows for the standardization of test procedures, eliminates operator variation and increases the speed, accuracy and precision of the analysis.


Histopathology and Cytopathology are the science concerned with the study of microscopic changes in diseased tissues, body fluids etc. Here the tests like biopsy, FNAC, immuno-histochemisty etc are done.  Automated tissue processing and a highly skilled staff in the histology laboratory ensure excellent quality tissue sections and a rapid turnaround time for reporting biopsy results. The renal pathology services of AIMS are used by nephrologists throughout Kerala.


Microbiology and Serology labs provide services for the diagnosis of infectious diseases of a bacterial, viral, parasitic, fungal or tubercular nature. In addition to routine diagnostic methods, automated systems aid in the rapid detection of infectious agents in blood or body fluids. Serological investigations are also performed for a variety of infectious agents including viral agents such as HIV and Hepatitis viruses. Automated systems for identification of microorganisms and their susceptibility to antimicrobials further expedite reporting which may be life saving for patients.

Metabolic Disorders

The Metabolic Disorders Laboratory offers facilities rarely rendered in India. The AIMS Metabolic Disorders Lab provides general neonatal screening and detection of various metabolic disorders. A unique feature of the laboratory is the active interaction with the clinicians, translating into reliable diagnosis and better management.

Human Cytogenetics

Cytogenetics lab at Amrita hospital provides a wide array of tests. In times of precision medicine, we believe in performing tests in collaboration with the clinicians to give individualized patient care in the best way possible for both constitutional genetic disorders and hematologic/solid organ malignancies. We provide state-of-the-art services with rapid turnaround time at competitive prices.

Molecular Diagnostics

Molecular Biology has revolutionized by the concept that most of the human diseases have a genetic basis. Gene manipulation and recombinant DNA technology has rapidly increased the sophistication of molecular investigations. The genetic disorders and the presence of pathogens causing various infectious diseases can be diagnosed using nucleic acid sequence as tools. It is possible to perform HLA typing or compare allele profile for organ/stem cell transplantations, establish the relatedness between individuals or simply detect the presence or absence of a particular gene using sequence based typing methods.  The Molecular Biology lab offers tests under the broad categories like HLA tissue typing for transplantation programs, gene testing, cancer genetics, identification of the specific pathogens, DNA isolation from amniotic fluid and blood samples. These tests are performed by PCR based methodologies such as RT PCR and PCR-RFLP.

Toxicology and Poison Control Centre

The Toxicology and Poison Control Centre offers unique facilities in the area of toxicology to all hospitals, government doctors, private practitioners as well as the lay public of Kerala State. It is for the first time that such a department has been started in a hospital in Kerala. In less than a year, the Centre was officially listed in the World Health Organization (WHO) website as an authorized Poison Control Centre. The facilities offered are Toxicological analysis of blood, urine, stomach contents, water samples etc and treatment for all kinds of poisoning. The department utilizes a software package from UK which has information on thousands of poisonous substances encountered worldwide. This enables the department to answer any query on poisons or poisoning in a matter of seconds via e-mail or phone or fax.

Transfusion Medicine / Blood Bank

Blood banking and Transfusion medicine are an important aspect of AIMS. The Blood Bank meets all the blood product requirements that the high volume of surgeries demand. In addition, they provide blood components to other health care facilities in the area. Stringent procedures are used for screening out infectious diseases in the blood donor population. Computers are used in the AIMS Blood Bank for record keeping, quality control, and blood inventory and test results. Test orders, test reporting and specimen collection are also computerized.

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Emergency Contact

  • Phone:+91 (484) 2856041
  • Fax: +91(484) 2802020

Ambulance Services


By continuously introducing new and improved tests, technology and services, Amrita Laboratory Services has established a reputation as the leading innovator in the clinical laboratory service. Diagnostic testing is essential to the basic management of patient care, allowing physicians to detect disease earlier, make diagnoses, prescribe therapies and monitor results.

Whether it is a routine lab test, or one of the most technologically advanced tests for detecting genetic deletions and mutations, Amrita Laboratory Services provides the medical community with the most comprehensive laboratory testing menu available.

The laboratory services at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS) comprises a reference diagnostic clinical laboratory, which includes advanced Molecular biology, Human Cytogenetics, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Serology, Histopathology, Cytopathology, Haematology, Metabolic disorders,  Toxicology and Poison Centre and Transfusion Medicine.

The laboratory services carry out its medical testing activities meeting the requirements of ISO 15189:2007, NABL specific criteria. The laboratory services are designed to meet the needs of patients and medical professionals looking for test results, appropriate interpretation and advisory services.

The labs are equipped with state-of-the-art, fully automated chemistry and hematology analyzers. Comprehensive testing capabilities include clinical diagnostic tests covering various fields of medical specializations some of which are not offered elsewhere in Kerala.

Now, through our AIMS laboratory facility in Kochi, we provide unique value to physicians, in the diagnostics, cancer and infectious disease testing, including diseases, such as the Chikungunya and Dengue viruses.



The Biochemistry and Haematology laboratory services provide a rapid and comprehensive analysis of the chemistry and cellular components of blood and body fluids. This is achieved by accurate random access chemistry analyzers, specialized immuno-analyzers, automated coagulation analyzers and automated CBC and 5-part differential hematology instruments. These instruments directly interface with AIMS Laboratory Information System. Results after verification by competent staff can be viewed at all terminals located in wards and outpatient departments. Automated workflow is the standard procedure in the laboratory. Automation allows for the standardization of test procedures, eliminates operator variation and increases the speed, accuracy and precision of the analysis.


Histopathology and Cytopathology are the science concerned with the study of microscopic changes in diseased tissues, body fluids etc. Here the tests like biopsy, FNAC, immuno-histochemisty etc are done.  Automated tissue processing and a highly skilled staff in the histology laboratory ensure excellent quality tissue sections and a rapid turnaround time for reporting biopsy results. The renal pathology services of AIMS are used by nephrologists throughout Kerala.


Microbiology and Serology labs provide services for the diagnosis of infectious diseases of a bacterial, viral, parasitic, fungal or tubercular nature. In addition to routine diagnostic methods, automated systems aid in the rapid detection of infectious agents in blood or body fluids. Serological investigations are also performed for a variety of infectious agents including viral agents such as HIV and Hepatitis viruses. Automated systems for identification of microorganisms and their susceptibility to antimicrobials further expedite reporting which may be life saving for patients.

Metabolic Disorders

The Metabolic Disorders Laboratory offers facilities rarely rendered in India. The AIMS Metabolic Disorders Lab provides general neonatal screening and detection of various metabolic disorders. A unique feature of the laboratory is the active interaction with the clinicians, translating into reliable diagnosis and better management.

Human Cytogenetics

Cytogenetics lab at Amrita hospital provides a wide array of tests. In times of precision medicine, we believe in performing tests in collaboration with the clinicians to give individualized patient care in the best way possible for both constitutional genetic disorders and hematologic/solid organ malignancies. We provide state-of-the-art services with rapid turnaround time at competitive prices.

Molecular Diagnostics

Molecular Biology has revolutionized by the concept that most of the human diseases have a genetic basis. Gene manipulation and recombinant DNA technology has rapidly increased the sophistication of molecular investigations. The genetic disorders and the presence of pathogens causing various infectious diseases can be diagnosed using nucleic acid sequence as tools. It is possible to perform HLA typing or compare allele profile for organ/stem cell transplantations, establish the relatedness between individuals or simply detect the presence or absence of a particular gene using sequence based typing methods.  The Molecular Biology lab offers tests under the broad categories like HLA tissue typing for transplantation programs, gene testing, cancer genetics, identification of the specific pathogens, DNA isolation from amniotic fluid and blood samples. These tests are performed by PCR based methodologies such as RT PCR and PCR-RFLP.

Toxicology and Poison Control Centre

The Toxicology and Poison Control Centre offers unique facilities in the area of toxicology to all hospitals, government doctors, private practitioners as well as the lay public of Kerala State. It is for the first time that such a department has been started in a hospital in Kerala. In less than a year, the Centre was officially listed in the World Health Organization (WHO) website as an authorized Poison Control Centre. The facilities offered are Toxicological analysis of blood, urine, stomach contents, water samples etc and treatment for all kinds of poisoning. The department utilizes a software package from UK which has information on thousands of poisonous substances encountered worldwide. This enables the department to answer any query on poisons or poisoning in a matter of seconds via e-mail or phone or fax.

Transfusion Medicine / Blood Bank

Blood banking and Transfusion medicine are an important aspect of AIMS. The Blood Bank meets all the blood product requirements that the high volume of surgeries demand. In addition, they provide blood components to other health care facilities in the area. Stringent procedures are used for screening out infectious diseases in the blood donor population. Computers are used in the AIMS Blood Bank for record keeping, quality control, and blood inventory and test results. Test orders, test reporting and specimen collection are also computerized.

Contact Us

Emergency Contact

  • Phone:+91 (484) 2856041
  • Fax: +91(484) 2802020

Ambulance Services