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The department of ophthalmology provides a well-equipped facility for the complete examination, diagnosis, and treatment (both medically and surgically) of all ocular diseases in both adult and paediatric patients. The department is comprised of a dedicated and well-qualified team of healthcare professionals with excellent support from nursing and administrative staff.

Eye disorders can be diagnosed and treated at Amrita Hospital, including cataracts, glaucoma, strabismus and amblyopia, ocular trauma, refractive disorders, cornea and external diseases, and lacrimal drainage disorders, uveal diseases, and retinal disorders.



Amrita Lasik Services

At Amrita Lasik service, we take every possible effort to make sure that the procedure is perfectly safe for your eyes. 

Diseases Treated

Cataracts: Cataracts involve a clouding of the eye's lens, which can affect one or both eyes. While cataracts can develop at any age, they are more prevalent in individuals over 50. Symptoms include cloudy or blurry vision, sensitivity to light, trouble seeing at night, and changes in color perception. Surgical removal of the cloudy lens with an artificial lens replacement is a highly successful treatment.

Diabetes-related Retinopathy: This condition arises as a complication of diabetes and stands as a major contributor to adult blindness. Long-term high blood sugar levels lead to ongoing damage to the blood vessels in the retina, the light-sensitive tissue in the eye required for clear vision. Symptoms may include blurred or distorted vision, color blindness, poor night vision, dark spots in vision, and difficulty reading. Treatment options include specific medication injections and surgical procedures to repair or shrink the damaged blood vessels.

Glaucoma: Glaucoma stems from elevated fluid pressure within the eye, causing damage to the optic nerve responsible for transmitting visual information to the brain. Left untreated, it can result in vision loss or blindness. There are two primary types: open-angle glaucoma develops gradually, often without noticeable symptoms, while closed-angle glaucoma can occur suddenly and cause rapid vision loss along with painful symptoms. Signs include eye pain, headaches, redness, halos around lights, blurred vision, and nausea. Treatment involves reducing eye pressure through medications, laser therapy, and surgery.

Macular Degeneration (AMD): AMD, also known as age-related macular degeneration, impacts central vision by damaging the macula, a critical area of the retina for perceiving fine details. It's a leading cause of vision loss in people aged 60 and older. There are two forms: wet AMD, characterized by abnormal blood vessel growth under the macula, and dry AMD, leading to the thinning of the macula over time. Symptoms typically emerge after disease progression and include blurred central vision, dark spots in vision, and distorted straight lines. Though there is no cure, treatment options like anti-VEGF injections can slow the disease's progression.

Retinal Detachment: A severe condition, retinal detachment refers to the separation of the retina from the underlying eye tissues that secure it. Symptoms can include flashes of light, drifting dark spots or lines in vision, and partial vision loss. Immediate medical intervention, such as laser therapy or surgical procedures, is crucial to prevent blindness.

Common Eye Conditions in Children:

Amblyopia (Lazy Eye): In this condition, one eye is favored by the brain over the other, leading to reduced vision in the non-dominant eye. It's a primary cause of vision impairment in children.

Strabismus: This lack of coordination between the eyes causes one or both eyes to cross or turn out, impacting vision and potentially leading to amblyopia.

Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye): Inflammation of the clear tissue lining the eyelid and outer eye surface results in redness, itchiness, and discharge. It's contagious and doesn't damage vision.

Refractive Eye Conditions: These conditions, including myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism, stem from improper bending of light in the eye's cornea and lens. Corrective measures like eyeglasses, contact lenses, or surgery can address these issues.

Presbyopia: This condition, different from farsightedness, involves the loss of focus ability over a range of vision due to aging-related lens stiffness. Corrective lenses are used to manage presbyopia.

Eye Floaters: Floaters are particles suspended in the eye's vitreous fluid that can appear as spots or specks in one's vision. Generally harmless, they can be a sign of a more severe condition like retinal detachment if accompanied by other symptoms.

Dry Eye: When tear glands can't produce enough quality tears, the eye's surface isn't properly lubricated. Artificial tears and tear duct plugs are common treatment options.

Excessive Tearing: Producing more tears than can be drained can result from various factors, including climate elements, eye infections, or blocked tear ducts.


Dr. Gopal S. Pillai
Clinical Professor and Head
Dr. Sujithra H
Dr. Manoj Prathapan
Additional Professor
Dr. Anil Radhakrishnan
Consultant (Cornea and Refractive Surgery) and Clinical Associate Professor
MS, Fellow in Comprehensive Ophthalmology with specialty training in Cornea Consultant (Cornea and Refractive Surgery)
Dr. Rehna Rasheed
Clinical Assistant Professor
MS, DO, FRCO (London)

Outpatient Services

Every OP in uniquely designed with Slit lamp microscope, Indirect Ophthalmoscope, Gonioscopy, Applanation tonometer. Advanced investigations include IOL Master 700 (Optical biometer , Zeiss),Humphry Visual Field analysers (HFA 840), Specular Microscopy, Ascan biometry, B Scan biometery, Anterior segment OCT, Corneal topography, Posterior segment OCT with OCT Angiography, Fundus Fluorscein Angiography, ICG, Fundus Photography.

The department has services of 10 optometrists with well-equipped optometry services with retinoscope, trial frame, eye vision charts, Synaptophore, lensometer automated and manual, autorefractometer and Keratometer. IOP measuring devices like Noncontact tonometry, Applanation tonometry, Perkins tonometry, Rebound tonometry, Tonopen are available. Comprehensive Strabismus work up with prism bars, diplopia charting, Hess chart are also available.

The lasers available are Nd Yag laser, double frequency NdYag laser for the treatment of various ocular conditions.

Our department has 24/ 7 emergency services for managing trauma and other ocular emergencies.

  • Low Vision Aid Clinic
  • To rehabilitate patients with irreversible blindness is taken up here.

Why Choose Us?

We aim to be an exemplary institution that thrives to contribute to a prosperous and sustainable future for all. To provide the best to our patients in terms of clinical care and surgical management. We provide state of the art facilities in all specialties of Ophthalmology such as Cornea and refractive surgeries, Glaucoma, Oculoplasty, Cataract, Retina –medical and surgical, Pediatric Ophthalmology, Uvea and Trauma cases. We thrive to transform the power of value-based education and enrich the knowledge and awareness in our community-by-community outreach programs and camps.

We continue to diagnose and treat a wide range of eye disorders such as Cataract, Glaucoma, Strabismus, Amblyopia, Ocular trauma, Refractive disorders, cornea and external diseases, lacrimal drainage disorders, Uveal and retinal diseases. And we have a group of exemplary doctors trained in all specialties of Ophthalmological care aimed to serving our community to the best of their abilities.

We strive to provide a single standard of international Quality eye care to all members of our society regardless of socioeconomic background. Our utmost importance being to bring healthcare to all sectors of our community

What We Offer

Our department offers a wide spectrum of services, including:

Comprehensive Eye Examinations: Thorough eye assessments to diagnose various conditions accurately.

Medical and Surgical Treatments: State-of-the-art treatments for conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, retinal disorders, and more.

Pediatric Eye Care: Specialized care for children's eye conditions, including amblyopia and strabismus.

Advanced Technology: Utilization of cutting-edge technologies for precise diagnostics and effective treatments.

Holistic Care: Complete care journey from diagnosis to treatment, ensuring patient comfort and satisfaction.

Services Offered

Retinal Services

All retinal diseases are evaluated and managed. Many treatments are done as outpatient procedures, including:

Digital retinal photography: An ideal tool for documentation and follow up and can also give an accurate assessment of the progression of the disease.

Fundus fluorescein angiography, ICG, Autofluorescence, Fundus photography are performed on a daily basis in order to diagnose and manage all vascular and neurological abnormalities of the retina. It is an integral part of retinal OPD practice

Ocular ultrasonography : A noninvasive investigation performed in some cases for which evaluation is required for retinal tumours, vitreous haemorrhage and intraocular foreign bodies

Optical coherence tomography : Another noninvasive investigation that can be used to study the cross sectional anatomy of the retina. It is useful in the diagnosis, management and follow up of almost all macular diseases

Laser photocoagulation : Done on a daily basis with the Zeiss Visulas system. It is used in the management of diabetic retinopathy, age related macular degeneration, vascular blocks and many other retinal disorders.

Retinopathy of prematurity screening: A thorough screening of preterm neonates for ROP with therapeutic services including LASER and surgical management are profound here.

Retinal surgery : Our team is well equipped with an Accurus vitrectomy machine, facilities for endolaser and cryopexy, and a wide angle surgical viewing system which is one of the latest innovations in retinal surgery. Retinal surgeries being performed include :

  • Scleral buckling
  • Pars plana vitrectomy
  • Complicated procedures for retinal detachment, proliferative diabetic retinopathy
  • Intraocular foreign body removal

Cataract Services  

We have IOL Master 700 for accurate IOL power calculation.

Operation Theatre Services

We are equipped with an AMO signature and Constellation, higher-end phacoemulsification system that minimizes tissue damage during cataract surgery. Micro incision cataract surgery [MICS] is also available for cases in which the wound size is even smaller. Intraocular surgery is done with a Zeiss OPMI Lumera surgical microscope and the finest titanium surgical instruments. All types of intra ocular lenses [IOL], including foldable IOLs, toric IOLs and multifocal IOLs are routinely inserted with excellent results. Availability of day care surgery (operation without admission) makes it more convenient for the patient. Congenital cataract surgeries are performed with utmost proficiency under the observation of paediatric anaesthesia team

Glaucoma Services

The glaucoma clinic provides comprehensive diagnostic and therapeutic care for adult as well as congenital glaucoma. Volk 4 mirror gonioscopy ensures patient comfort during examination. Tonometer available are Applanation, Perkins, Rebound NCT & Tonopen. Advance test include HFA (Perimetry) with HFA 840, OCT RNFL & GCC analysis and Fundus Photograpgy, Non contact corneal thickness measurement with Specular microscopy is also available.

Zeiss Visualitis III, Nd Yag laser is used for doing laser Iridotomy.

Surgical Services

Surgical care includes Trabeculectomy, trabeculotomy, glaucoma drainage device implantation.

Lid and Oculoplasty Services  

Emergency trauma care with elective cosmetic surgeries including lid and orbit are performed here.

Cosmetic procedures like Botox injections are done on a daily basis for excellent results.

Cornea and Refractive Surgery Services

Cornea and Refractive Surgery at Amrita Hospital, Kochi has under its umbrella a wide range of diagnostic and treatment modalities.

Amrita LASIK Centre – LASIK is a procedure that eliminates the need for wearing glasses or contact lenses for clear vision. It does so by accurately reshaping the cornea with the help of excimer laser. At Amrita LASIK centre we take every possible effort to make sure that the procedure is perfectly safe for your eyes. A variety of customisable treatment options are possible with Carl Zeiss MEL80, our high precision sturdy German machine. Phototherapeutic keratectomy [removal of corneal scars with excimer laser] is also offered.

Refractive Surgery – Other laser vision correction procedures like LASEK [ Laser assisted epithelial keratomileusis] and PRK [Photorefractive keratectomy] as well as phakic IOL [ ICL, IPCL or RIL] is done routinely for spectacle free vision.

Corneal Transplant Unit – Lamellar keratoplasty or selective replacement of corneal tissue based on the level of corneal pathology has established its role as the procedure of choice in the field of corneal transplantation. With anterior segment OCT for precise assessment of corneal pathology and automated lamellar keratoplsty system [the first unit in Kerala] for performing, more refinement and accuracy is possible in lamellar keratoplasty. Endothelial keratoplasty is also done routinely.

Amrita Eye Bank - Our department also houses a state-of-the-art eye bank with Konan cell check D model CD -15 specular microscope, a laminar flow hood, 24/7 cornea retrieval team including an eye bank ambulance. After careful evaluation the donor tissue is preserved in MK medium or distributed. 

Infections of cornea and sclera are treated with good microbiological and molecular diagnostic support as well as Infectious Disease Department support.

Pediatric Services  

Retinopathy of Prematurity Screening: A thorough screening of preterm neonates for ROP with therapeutic services including LASER and Surgical management are performed here. 

A thorough, finest screening and management (medical and surgical) of congenital cataract, glaucoma and other conditions with very good outcomes are a part of regular services provided here.

Amblyopia treatment, squint surgeries are performed with anesthesia in children.

Our Philosophy

We devote ourselves to the betterment of society as a whole, offering medical services in a spirit of respect, comradeship and care. This approach springs from the fact that we respect and value the lives of our patients above all else. It enables doctors and patients to develop both the level of communication that embraces joys of life satisfaction. A feeling of companionship and cooperation after all is essential for any important achievement and most productive sharing of knowledge and understanding.


Facilities Available

Our department has a well-equipped facility for examination, diagnosis and treatment of ocular diseases.

Availability of finest equipment includes:

Humpfrey Field Analyzer (HFA) – Carl Zeiss Meditech (Model No: 740i) Humpfrey Field Analyzer (HFA) – Carl Zeiss Meditech (Model No: 840)Zeiss VISULAS YAG III – Yag Capsulotomy & Yag Peripheral Iridotomy
Ultrasound A Scan (Amplitude modulation scan – Accutome – A Scan model no 24-4400) 
Ultrasound B Scan Appasamy associatedCarl Zeiss OPMI Lumera – 302608– 9010–000 Sony 3CCD Ex wave HAD Camera – Microscope
Wide Field Fundus Camera – Zeiss CLARUS 700 Fundus Fluorescein Angiography (FFA) Indocyanin Green (ICG) Auto Fluorescence (AF) – Zeiss FF 450 Plus IRCarl Zeiss OPMI Visu 150 Microscope
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) – CIRRUS 6000Alcon – Constellation Vision System Vitrectomy & Cataract System
Auto Refractometer – Topcon N KR 800Alcon and Johnson and Johnson Signature – Phacomachine
Hand held Slit Lamp – Shin NipponMel 80 – Carl Zeiss – LASIK and PRK, PTK
Non Contact Tonometer – Topcon CT 800 
AS OCT – Carl Zeiss Visante OCT Model : 1000 
Slit Lamp : Top Con, Keeler and Haag Streit 
Rebound Tonometer – iCare ic 100 
Tonopen – Reichert Tonopen Avia 
Optical Biometry – Carl Zeiss IOL Master 700 
Specular Microscope SP-3000P 
Corneal Topography – ZEISS ATLAS 


We offer a comprehensive range of services, including complete eye examinations, diagnosis, and both medical and surgical treatments for various ocular diseases in both adults and children.

Our dedicated and well-qualified team of ophthalmologists, nurses, and administrative staff are experienced in diagnosing and treating a wide array of eye disorders, ensuring high-quality care.

We specialize in treating various conditions, including cataracts, glaucoma, diabetes-related retinopathy, macular degeneration, retinal detachment, strabismus, conjunctivitis, and more.

We perform surgical removal of cloudy lenses and replace them with artificial lenses, which is a highly successful and common procedure to restore clear vision.

We offer a range of treatments including medication injections and surgical procedures to repair or shrink damaged blood vessels, helping to prevent vision loss associated with diabetes-related retinopathy.

Glaucoma can be open-angle or closed-angle. Our treatments include medication, laser therapy, and surgery to manage eye pressure and prevent vision loss.

Our department provides treatment options such as anti-VEGF injections to slow the progression of both wet and dry forms of AMD.

Immediate medical intervention is crucial to prevent blindness. We offer treatments like laser therapy and surgical procedures to reattach the retina and restore vision.

We specialize in treating childhood conditions such as amblyopia (lazy eye), strabismus, conjunctivitis (pink eye), and refractive eye conditions, ensuring the best visual outcomes for pediatric patients.

We offer corrective measures such as eyeglasses, contact lenses, and surgical options to address presbyopia and various refractive errors.

Specialty Clinics

  • Cornea Clinic
  • Glaucoma Clinic
  • Oculoplasty Clinic
  • ROP Clinic
  • Medical and Surgical Retina
  • Uveitis Clinic
  • Paediatric Ophthalmology

Diagnostic Tests and Procedures

  • Refraction
    • Objective- autorefractometry , retinoscopy
    • Subjective
    • Low vision aids
  • Tonometry
    • Non contact tonometry
    • Tonopen
    • Applanation tonometry
    • Rebound tonometry
    • Perkins
    • Tonopen
  • Ophthalmological examination
    • Slit lamp examination
    • Gonioscopy
    • Fundus examination- indirect ophthalmoscopy/ Direct ophthalmoscopy
  • Investigations
    • Visual field testing
    • Optical Coherence Tomography(OCT)
    • AS-OCT
    • OCT angiography
    • Fundus Fluorescence angiography
    • Indocyanine Green Angiography
    • Fundus autofluorescence
    • Diplopia charting
    • Hess charting
    • Synaptophore
    • Amsler Grid Charting
    • Bjerrum Screen
    • A scan
    • IOL master
    • B scan
    • Specular Microscopy
    • Pachymetry
    • Corneal Topography


  1. Medical Management of Dry Eyes
  2. Punctal Plugs for Severe Dry Eyes
  3. Medical Management of Corneal Ulcers
  4. LASIK
  5. PRK
  6. PTK
  7. Keratoplasty- Penetrating Keratoplasty , DSEK, DALK for Corneal Ulcers, Corneal Dystrophies and Keratoconus etc.
  8. Corneal Collagen Crosslinking
  9. Amniotic membrane grafting
  10. Mucous Membrane Grafting
  11. Cyanoacrylate glue application
  12. Eye bank

  1. Medical Management of Glaucoma
  2. Nd-Yag laser Peripheral Iridotomy
  3. Trabeculectomy
  4. Trabeculotomy for congenital glaucoma
  5. Glaucoma drainage devices implantation
  6. Cyclodestructive Procedures

  1. Blepharoplasty
  2. Ptosis surgeries
  3. Lid reconstruction following trauma / tumour excision
  4. Orbital biopsy
  5. Enucleation with implant
  6. Evisceration with implant
  7. Orbitotomy
  8. Minor lid surgeries
  9. Botox injection
  10. Entropion/Ectropion surgery

  1. Manual SICS
  2. Phacoemulsification- Monofocal, Multifocal, Toric, Multifocal Toric, EDOFF.
  3. Yag Capsulotomy
  4. Secondary IOL implantation
  5. SFIOL
  6. Lensectomy
  7. Paediatric Cataract surgery

  1. Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment by
    • Intravitreal injections- Aflibercept, Brolucizumab, Dexamethasone, Ranibizumab, Bevacizumab,
    • Vitrectomy-23 G, 25 G
    • Endolaser PRP
    • ILM peeling
  1. Scleral buckling
  2. Pan Retinal Photocoagulation

  1. Refractive correction
  2. Retinopathy of Prematurity –Treatment by Laser and Injection of Anti VEGF
  3. Paediatric cataract surgery
  4. Paediatric amblyopia management

  1. Adult and Paediatric Uveitis management
  2. Posterior Subtenon Injection of Kenacort

  1. Foreign Body Removal
  2. Globe Perforation Repair

Outreach Program

  • Ophthalmology camps
    It was conducted with the objective of providing free intraocular lens implantation surgery for low-income individuals with cataracts who are unable to afford cataract surgery. Members of the department have shown tremendous dedication in participating in these eye camps. Approximately fifty camps are conducted every year, during which eleven thousand patients are seen and fifteen hundred cataract surgeries are performed.
  • Palluruthy Health Centre
  • Njarakkal Community Health Centre
  • Weekly Free Eye Check Up Camps
  • Weekly Catract Camps at Amrita Hospital, Kochi

Contact Us

Phone: 0484 - 6681559, 0484 – 2851559

Dedicated on-call Mobile: 79949 99586 

Telephone: 0484 – 2851050 

Email: [email protected] 


The department of ophthalmology provides a well-equipped facility for the complete examination, diagnosis, and treatment (both medically and surgically) of all ocular diseases in both adult and paediatric patients. The department is comprised of a dedicated and well-qualified team of healthcare professionals with excellent support from nursing and administrative staff.

Eye disorders can be diagnosed and treated at Amrita Hospital, including cataracts, glaucoma, strabismus and amblyopia, ocular trauma, refractive disorders, cornea and external diseases, and lacrimal drainage disorders, uveal diseases, and retinal disorders.



Amrita Lasik Services

At Amrita Lasik service, we take every possible effort to make sure that the procedure is perfectly safe for your eyes. 

Diseases Treated

Cataracts: Cataracts involve a clouding of the eye's lens, which can affect one or both eyes. While cataracts can develop at any age, they are more prevalent in individuals over 50. Symptoms include cloudy or blurry vision, sensitivity to light, trouble seeing at night, and changes in color perception. Surgical removal of the cloudy lens with an artificial lens replacement is a highly successful treatment.

Diabetes-related Retinopathy: This condition arises as a complication of diabetes and stands as a major contributor to adult blindness. Long-term high blood sugar levels lead to ongoing damage to the blood vessels in the retina, the light-sensitive tissue in the eye required for clear vision. Symptoms may include blurred or distorted vision, color blindness, poor night vision, dark spots in vision, and difficulty reading. Treatment options include specific medication injections and surgical procedures to repair or shrink the damaged blood vessels.

Glaucoma: Glaucoma stems from elevated fluid pressure within the eye, causing damage to the optic nerve responsible for transmitting visual information to the brain. Left untreated, it can result in vision loss or blindness. There are two primary types: open-angle glaucoma develops gradually, often without noticeable symptoms, while closed-angle glaucoma can occur suddenly and cause rapid vision loss along with painful symptoms. Signs include eye pain, headaches, redness, halos around lights, blurred vision, and nausea. Treatment involves reducing eye pressure through medications, laser therapy, and surgery.

Macular Degeneration (AMD): AMD, also known as age-related macular degeneration, impacts central vision by damaging the macula, a critical area of the retina for perceiving fine details. It's a leading cause of vision loss in people aged 60 and older. There are two forms: wet AMD, characterized by abnormal blood vessel growth under the macula, and dry AMD, leading to the thinning of the macula over time. Symptoms typically emerge after disease progression and include blurred central vision, dark spots in vision, and distorted straight lines. Though there is no cure, treatment options like anti-VEGF injections can slow the disease's progression.

Retinal Detachment: A severe condition, retinal detachment refers to the separation of the retina from the underlying eye tissues that secure it. Symptoms can include flashes of light, drifting dark spots or lines in vision, and partial vision loss. Immediate medical intervention, such as laser therapy or surgical procedures, is crucial to prevent blindness.

Common Eye Conditions in Children:

Amblyopia (Lazy Eye): In this condition, one eye is favored by the brain over the other, leading to reduced vision in the non-dominant eye. It's a primary cause of vision impairment in children.

Strabismus: This lack of coordination between the eyes causes one or both eyes to cross or turn out, impacting vision and potentially leading to amblyopia.

Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye): Inflammation of the clear tissue lining the eyelid and outer eye surface results in redness, itchiness, and discharge. It's contagious and doesn't damage vision.

Refractive Eye Conditions: These conditions, including myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism, stem from improper bending of light in the eye's cornea and lens. Corrective measures like eyeglasses, contact lenses, or surgery can address these issues.

Presbyopia: This condition, different from farsightedness, involves the loss of focus ability over a range of vision due to aging-related lens stiffness. Corrective lenses are used to manage presbyopia.

Eye Floaters: Floaters are particles suspended in the eye's vitreous fluid that can appear as spots or specks in one's vision. Generally harmless, they can be a sign of a more severe condition like retinal detachment if accompanied by other symptoms.

Dry Eye: When tear glands can't produce enough quality tears, the eye's surface isn't properly lubricated. Artificial tears and tear duct plugs are common treatment options.

Excessive Tearing: Producing more tears than can be drained can result from various factors, including climate elements, eye infections, or blocked tear ducts.


Dr. Gopal S. Pillai
Clinical Professor and Head
Dr. Sujithra H
Dr. Manoj Prathapan
Additional Professor
Dr. Anil Radhakrishnan
Consultant (Cornea and Refractive Surgery) and Clinical Associate Professor
MS, Fellow in Comprehensive Ophthalmology with specialty training in Cornea Consultant (Cornea and Refractive Surgery)
Dr. Rehna Rasheed
Clinical Assistant Professor
MS, DO, FRCO (London)

Outpatient Services

Every OP in uniquely designed with Slit lamp microscope, Indirect Ophthalmoscope, Gonioscopy, Applanation tonometer. Advanced investigations include IOL Master 700 (Optical biometer , Zeiss),Humphry Visual Field analysers (HFA 840), Specular Microscopy, Ascan biometry, B Scan biometery, Anterior segment OCT, Corneal topography, Posterior segment OCT with OCT Angiography, Fundus Fluorscein Angiography, ICG, Fundus Photography.

The department has services of 10 optometrists with well-equipped optometry services with retinoscope, trial frame, eye vision charts, Synaptophore, lensometer automated and manual, autorefractometer and Keratometer. IOP measuring devices like Noncontact tonometry, Applanation tonometry, Perkins tonometry, Rebound tonometry, Tonopen are available. Comprehensive Strabismus work up with prism bars, diplopia charting, Hess chart are also available.

The lasers available are Nd Yag laser, double frequency NdYag laser for the treatment of various ocular conditions.

Our department has 24/ 7 emergency services for managing trauma and other ocular emergencies.

  • Low Vision Aid Clinic
  • To rehabilitate patients with irreversible blindness is taken up here.

Why Choose Us?

We aim to be an exemplary institution that thrives to contribute to a prosperous and sustainable future for all. To provide the best to our patients in terms of clinical care and surgical management. We provide state of the art facilities in all specialties of Ophthalmology such as Cornea and refractive surgeries, Glaucoma, Oculoplasty, Cataract, Retina –medical and surgical, Pediatric Ophthalmology, Uvea and Trauma cases. We thrive to transform the power of value-based education and enrich the knowledge and awareness in our community-by-community outreach programs and camps.

We continue to diagnose and treat a wide range of eye disorders such as Cataract, Glaucoma, Strabismus, Amblyopia, Ocular trauma, Refractive disorders, cornea and external diseases, lacrimal drainage disorders, Uveal and retinal diseases. And we have a group of exemplary doctors trained in all specialties of Ophthalmological care aimed to serving our community to the best of their abilities.

We strive to provide a single standard of international Quality eye care to all members of our society regardless of socioeconomic background. Our utmost importance being to bring healthcare to all sectors of our community

What We Offer

Our department offers a wide spectrum of services, including:

Comprehensive Eye Examinations: Thorough eye assessments to diagnose various conditions accurately.

Medical and Surgical Treatments: State-of-the-art treatments for conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, retinal disorders, and more.

Pediatric Eye Care: Specialized care for children's eye conditions, including amblyopia and strabismus.

Advanced Technology: Utilization of cutting-edge technologies for precise diagnostics and effective treatments.

Holistic Care: Complete care journey from diagnosis to treatment, ensuring patient comfort and satisfaction.

Services Offered

Retinal Services

All retinal diseases are evaluated and managed. Many treatments are done as outpatient procedures, including:

Digital retinal photography: An ideal tool for documentation and follow up and can also give an accurate assessment of the progression of the disease.

Fundus fluorescein angiography, ICG, Autofluorescence, Fundus photography are performed on a daily basis in order to diagnose and manage all vascular and neurological abnormalities of the retina. It is an integral part of retinal OPD practice

Ocular ultrasonography : A noninvasive investigation performed in some cases for which evaluation is required for retinal tumours, vitreous haemorrhage and intraocular foreign bodies

Optical coherence tomography : Another noninvasive investigation that can be used to study the cross sectional anatomy of the retina. It is useful in the diagnosis, management and follow up of almost all macular diseases

Laser photocoagulation : Done on a daily basis with the Zeiss Visulas system. It is used in the management of diabetic retinopathy, age related macular degeneration, vascular blocks and many other retinal disorders.

Retinopathy of prematurity screening: A thorough screening of preterm neonates for ROP with therapeutic services including LASER and surgical management are profound here.

Retinal surgery : Our team is well equipped with an Accurus vitrectomy machine, facilities for endolaser and cryopexy, and a wide angle surgical viewing system which is one of the latest innovations in retinal surgery. Retinal surgeries being performed include :

  • Scleral buckling
  • Pars plana vitrectomy
  • Complicated procedures for retinal detachment, proliferative diabetic retinopathy
  • Intraocular foreign body removal

Cataract Services  

We have IOL Master 700 for accurate IOL power calculation.

Operation Theatre Services

We are equipped with an AMO signature and Constellation, higher-end phacoemulsification system that minimizes tissue damage during cataract surgery. Micro incision cataract surgery [MICS] is also available for cases in which the wound size is even smaller. Intraocular surgery is done with a Zeiss OPMI Lumera surgical microscope and the finest titanium surgical instruments. All types of intra ocular lenses [IOL], including foldable IOLs, toric IOLs and multifocal IOLs are routinely inserted with excellent results. Availability of day care surgery (operation without admission) makes it more convenient for the patient. Congenital cataract surgeries are performed with utmost proficiency under the observation of paediatric anaesthesia team

Glaucoma Services

The glaucoma clinic provides comprehensive diagnostic and therapeutic care for adult as well as congenital glaucoma. Volk 4 mirror gonioscopy ensures patient comfort during examination. Tonometer available are Applanation, Perkins, Rebound NCT & Tonopen. Advance test include HFA (Perimetry) with HFA 840, OCT RNFL & GCC analysis and Fundus Photograpgy, Non contact corneal thickness measurement with Specular microscopy is also available.

Zeiss Visualitis III, Nd Yag laser is used for doing laser Iridotomy.

Surgical Services

Surgical care includes Trabeculectomy, trabeculotomy, glaucoma drainage device implantation.

Lid and Oculoplasty Services  

Emergency trauma care with elective cosmetic surgeries including lid and orbit are performed here.

Cosmetic procedures like Botox injections are done on a daily basis for excellent results.

Cornea and Refractive Surgery Services

Cornea and Refractive Surgery at Amrita Hospital, Kochi has under its umbrella a wide range of diagnostic and treatment modalities.

Amrita LASIK Centre – LASIK is a procedure that eliminates the need for wearing glasses or contact lenses for clear vision. It does so by accurately reshaping the cornea with the help of excimer laser. At Amrita LASIK centre we take every possible effort to make sure that the procedure is perfectly safe for your eyes. A variety of customisable treatment options are possible with Carl Zeiss MEL80, our high precision sturdy German machine. Phototherapeutic keratectomy [removal of corneal scars with excimer laser] is also offered.

Refractive Surgery – Other laser vision correction procedures like LASEK [ Laser assisted epithelial keratomileusis] and PRK [Photorefractive keratectomy] as well as phakic IOL [ ICL, IPCL or RIL] is done routinely for spectacle free vision.

Corneal Transplant Unit – Lamellar keratoplasty or selective replacement of corneal tissue based on the level of corneal pathology has established its role as the procedure of choice in the field of corneal transplantation. With anterior segment OCT for precise assessment of corneal pathology and automated lamellar keratoplsty system [the first unit in Kerala] for performing, more refinement and accuracy is possible in lamellar keratoplasty. Endothelial keratoplasty is also done routinely.

Amrita Eye Bank - Our department also houses a state-of-the-art eye bank with Konan cell check D model CD -15 specular microscope, a laminar flow hood, 24/7 cornea retrieval team including an eye bank ambulance. After careful evaluation the donor tissue is preserved in MK medium or distributed. 

Infections of cornea and sclera are treated with good microbiological and molecular diagnostic support as well as Infectious Disease Department support.

Pediatric Services  

Retinopathy of Prematurity Screening: A thorough screening of preterm neonates for ROP with therapeutic services including LASER and Surgical management are performed here. 

A thorough, finest screening and management (medical and surgical) of congenital cataract, glaucoma and other conditions with very good outcomes are a part of regular services provided here.

Amblyopia treatment, squint surgeries are performed with anesthesia in children.

Our Philosophy

We devote ourselves to the betterment of society as a whole, offering medical services in a spirit of respect, comradeship and care. This approach springs from the fact that we respect and value the lives of our patients above all else. It enables doctors and patients to develop both the level of communication that embraces joys of life satisfaction. A feeling of companionship and cooperation after all is essential for any important achievement and most productive sharing of knowledge and understanding.


Facilities Available

Our department has a well-equipped facility for examination, diagnosis and treatment of ocular diseases.

Availability of finest equipment includes:

Humpfrey Field Analyzer (HFA) – Carl Zeiss Meditech (Model No: 740i) Humpfrey Field Analyzer (HFA) – Carl Zeiss Meditech (Model No: 840)Zeiss VISULAS YAG III – Yag Capsulotomy & Yag Peripheral Iridotomy
Ultrasound A Scan (Amplitude modulation scan – Accutome – A Scan model no 24-4400) 
Ultrasound B Scan Appasamy associatedCarl Zeiss OPMI Lumera – 302608– 9010–000 Sony 3CCD Ex wave HAD Camera – Microscope
Wide Field Fundus Camera – Zeiss CLARUS 700 Fundus Fluorescein Angiography (FFA) Indocyanin Green (ICG) Auto Fluorescence (AF) – Zeiss FF 450 Plus IRCarl Zeiss OPMI Visu 150 Microscope
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) – CIRRUS 6000Alcon – Constellation Vision System Vitrectomy & Cataract System
Auto Refractometer – Topcon N KR 800Alcon and Johnson and Johnson Signature – Phacomachine
Hand held Slit Lamp – Shin NipponMel 80 – Carl Zeiss – LASIK and PRK, PTK
Non Contact Tonometer – Topcon CT 800 
AS OCT – Carl Zeiss Visante OCT Model : 1000 
Slit Lamp : Top Con, Keeler and Haag Streit 
Rebound Tonometer – iCare ic 100 
Tonopen – Reichert Tonopen Avia 
Optical Biometry – Carl Zeiss IOL Master 700 
Specular Microscope SP-3000P 
Corneal Topography – ZEISS ATLAS 


We offer a comprehensive range of services, including complete eye examinations, diagnosis, and both medical and surgical treatments for various ocular diseases in both adults and children.

Our dedicated and well-qualified team of ophthalmologists, nurses, and administrative staff are experienced in diagnosing and treating a wide array of eye disorders, ensuring high-quality care.

We specialize in treating various conditions, including cataracts, glaucoma, diabetes-related retinopathy, macular degeneration, retinal detachment, strabismus, conjunctivitis, and more.

We perform surgical removal of cloudy lenses and replace them with artificial lenses, which is a highly successful and common procedure to restore clear vision.

We offer a range of treatments including medication injections and surgical procedures to repair or shrink damaged blood vessels, helping to prevent vision loss associated with diabetes-related retinopathy.

Glaucoma can be open-angle or closed-angle. Our treatments include medication, laser therapy, and surgery to manage eye pressure and prevent vision loss.

Our department provides treatment options such as anti-VEGF injections to slow the progression of both wet and dry forms of AMD.

Immediate medical intervention is crucial to prevent blindness. We offer treatments like laser therapy and surgical procedures to reattach the retina and restore vision.

We specialize in treating childhood conditions such as amblyopia (lazy eye), strabismus, conjunctivitis (pink eye), and refractive eye conditions, ensuring the best visual outcomes for pediatric patients.

We offer corrective measures such as eyeglasses, contact lenses, and surgical options to address presbyopia and various refractive errors.

Specialty Clinics

  • Cornea Clinic
  • Glaucoma Clinic
  • Oculoplasty Clinic
  • ROP Clinic
  • Medical and Surgical Retina
  • Uveitis Clinic
  • Paediatric Ophthalmology

Diagnostic Tests and Procedures

  • Refraction
    • Objective- autorefractometry , retinoscopy
    • Subjective
    • Low vision aids
  • Tonometry
    • Non contact tonometry
    • Tonopen
    • Applanation tonometry
    • Rebound tonometry
    • Perkins
    • Tonopen
  • Ophthalmological examination
    • Slit lamp examination
    • Gonioscopy
    • Fundus examination- indirect ophthalmoscopy/ Direct ophthalmoscopy
  • Investigations
    • Visual field testing
    • Optical Coherence Tomography(OCT)
    • AS-OCT
    • OCT angiography
    • Fundus Fluorescence angiography
    • Indocyanine Green Angiography
    • Fundus autofluorescence
    • Diplopia charting
    • Hess charting
    • Synaptophore
    • Amsler Grid Charting
    • Bjerrum Screen
    • A scan
    • IOL master
    • B scan
    • Specular Microscopy
    • Pachymetry
    • Corneal Topography


  1. Medical Management of Dry Eyes
  2. Punctal Plugs for Severe Dry Eyes
  3. Medical Management of Corneal Ulcers
  4. LASIK
  5. PRK
  6. PTK
  7. Keratoplasty- Penetrating Keratoplasty , DSEK, DALK for Corneal Ulcers, Corneal Dystrophies and Keratoconus etc.
  8. Corneal Collagen Crosslinking
  9. Amniotic membrane grafting
  10. Mucous Membrane Grafting
  11. Cyanoacrylate glue application
  12. Eye bank

  1. Medical Management of Glaucoma
  2. Nd-Yag laser Peripheral Iridotomy
  3. Trabeculectomy
  4. Trabeculotomy for congenital glaucoma
  5. Glaucoma drainage devices implantation
  6. Cyclodestructive Procedures

  1. Blepharoplasty
  2. Ptosis surgeries
  3. Lid reconstruction following trauma / tumour excision
  4. Orbital biopsy
  5. Enucleation with implant
  6. Evisceration with implant
  7. Orbitotomy
  8. Minor lid surgeries
  9. Botox injection
  10. Entropion/Ectropion surgery

  1. Manual SICS
  2. Phacoemulsification- Monofocal, Multifocal, Toric, Multifocal Toric, EDOFF.
  3. Yag Capsulotomy
  4. Secondary IOL implantation
  5. SFIOL
  6. Lensectomy
  7. Paediatric Cataract surgery

  1. Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment by
    • Intravitreal injections- Aflibercept, Brolucizumab, Dexamethasone, Ranibizumab, Bevacizumab,
    • Vitrectomy-23 G, 25 G
    • Endolaser PRP
    • ILM peeling
  1. Scleral buckling
  2. Pan Retinal Photocoagulation

  1. Refractive correction
  2. Retinopathy of Prematurity –Treatment by Laser and Injection of Anti VEGF
  3. Paediatric cataract surgery
  4. Paediatric amblyopia management

  1. Adult and Paediatric Uveitis management
  2. Posterior Subtenon Injection of Kenacort

  1. Foreign Body Removal
  2. Globe Perforation Repair

Outreach Program

  • Ophthalmology camps
    It was conducted with the objective of providing free intraocular lens implantation surgery for low-income individuals with cataracts who are unable to afford cataract surgery. Members of the department have shown tremendous dedication in participating in these eye camps. Approximately fifty camps are conducted every year, during which eleven thousand patients are seen and fifteen hundred cataract surgeries are performed.
  • Palluruthy Health Centre
  • Njarakkal Community Health Centre
  • Weekly Free Eye Check Up Camps
  • Weekly Catract Camps at Amrita Hospital, Kochi

Contact Us

Phone: 0484 - 6681559, 0484 – 2851559

Dedicated on-call Mobile: 79949 99586 

Telephone: 0484 – 2851050 

Email: [email protected]