Child Development Centre

Child Development Centre

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Child Development Centre in Kochi
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Child Development Centre in Kochi

The newly established Child Development Centre (CDC) at Amrita Hospital, Kochi, is caters to the need of infants and young children with delay in any / all spheres of development.

Developmental delay refers to a disability the child presently displays due to biological or environmental factors.

It could happen if there is a delay in development in one or more of the following areas:

  • Physical Development, including fine and gross motor function
  • Cognitive Development
  • Communication / Language Development
  • Social-Emotional Development
  • Adaptive Development


Other than the front office staff, the Child Development Centre team at Amrita consists of:

  • Paediatrician specialized in Early Intervention
  • Early Interventionist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Physiotherapist
  • Speech and Language Therapist
  • Behavioural Therapist
  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Medical Social Worker
  • Optical Therapist


Dr. Premila Harimohan
Consultant – CDC
MBBS Dch (Sydney) PGDEI ( NIMH Secunderabad )Pediatrician & Early Interventionist


Follow-up services include evaluation on the progress of the child, information as recorded by the parents. Once the earlier set goals are achieved, necessary plans for further course of intervention are made. These activities are practically demonstrated to parents to follow-up at home. 

The Parent Training Program substantiates the interventions by addressing those issues that are of common concern for the parents.

Hence the CDC department provides all specialized interventions including occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, physiotherapy, behavioural therapy, special education, family counseling etc. This enables the children with special needs to achieve their full potential.

1. Consultancy

2. Assessment & evaluation by all interdisciplinary team members

3. Intervention Programme

Intervention programme by the therapists including paediatric occupational therapist, speech therapist, physiotherapist, clinical psychologist, social worker, behavioral therapist, special educator etc.

Occupational Therapy: Enables a child to develop gross motor, fine motor and self-help skills using activity as a medium for fostering movement.

Sensory Integration Therapy: Therapy provided for children with sensory problems, which are manifested due to early insult to the developing brain. Training in activities of Daily Living caters to those aspects like feeding, bathing and dressing. These self-care skills are important to maximize the functioning and minimize the dependency.

Behaviour Therapy: Specific interventions like behaviour management and anticipatory guidance are also being provided by the team of clinical psychologists.

Speech Therapy: The importance of interactions for facilitating speech and language development is an essential component of speech therapy. It also includes identifying and facilitating the specific speech and language deficits in children.

Physiotherapy: Visual stimulation therapy is provided by the ophthalmology department at the Centre for infants with cortical blindness and other visual problems.

4. Counselling / Guidance

Contact Us

Mobile: +91 79949 99821 (For booking appointments ),
0484 - 2851234, Ext : 8563/8564/8565
Email: [email protected]

Child Development Centre in Kochi

The newly established Child Development Centre (CDC) at Amrita Hospital, Kochi, is caters to the need of infants and young children with delay in any / all spheres of development.

Developmental delay refers to a disability the child presently displays due to biological or environmental factors.

It could happen if there is a delay in development in one or more of the following areas:

  • Physical Development, including fine and gross motor function
  • Cognitive Development
  • Communication / Language Development
  • Social-Emotional Development
  • Adaptive Development


Other than the front office staff, the Child Development Centre team at Amrita consists of:

  • Paediatrician specialized in Early Intervention
  • Early Interventionist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Physiotherapist
  • Speech and Language Therapist
  • Behavioural Therapist
  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Medical Social Worker
  • Optical Therapist


Dr. Premila Harimohan
Consultant – CDC
MBBS Dch (Sydney) PGDEI ( NIMH Secunderabad )Pediatrician & Early Interventionist


Follow-up services include evaluation on the progress of the child, information as recorded by the parents. Once the earlier set goals are achieved, necessary plans for further course of intervention are made. These activities are practically demonstrated to parents to follow-up at home. 

The Parent Training Program substantiates the interventions by addressing those issues that are of common concern for the parents.

Hence the CDC department provides all specialized interventions including occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, physiotherapy, behavioural therapy, special education, family counseling etc. This enables the children with special needs to achieve their full potential.

1. Consultancy

2. Assessment & evaluation by all interdisciplinary team members

3. Intervention Programme

Intervention programme by the therapists including paediatric occupational therapist, speech therapist, physiotherapist, clinical psychologist, social worker, behavioral therapist, special educator etc.

Occupational Therapy: Enables a child to develop gross motor, fine motor and self-help skills using activity as a medium for fostering movement.

Sensory Integration Therapy: Therapy provided for children with sensory problems, which are manifested due to early insult to the developing brain. Training in activities of Daily Living caters to those aspects like feeding, bathing and dressing. These self-care skills are important to maximize the functioning and minimize the dependency.

Behaviour Therapy: Specific interventions like behaviour management and anticipatory guidance are also being provided by the team of clinical psychologists.

Speech Therapy: The importance of interactions for facilitating speech and language development is an essential component of speech therapy. It also includes identifying and facilitating the specific speech and language deficits in children.

Physiotherapy: Visual stimulation therapy is provided by the ophthalmology department at the Centre for infants with cortical blindness and other visual problems.

4. Counselling / Guidance

Contact Us

Mobile: +91 79949 99821 (For booking appointments ),
0484 - 2851234, Ext : 8563/8564/8565
Email: [email protected]