
Why people use Drugs?

Sep 23, 2023
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The question – Why do people do drugs? – continues to plague researchers, experts, law enforcement agencies, and the common citizen. The fact remains that drug use has spiked across the globe. Drug addiction has become a serious national crisis that affects public health and social and economic welfare. 

It’s a menace. But people do drugs for a myriad of reasons. Drug addiction or Substance Use Disorder (SUD)has become common as it provides an outlet for those who want to feel good, stop feeling bad, perform better at school or work, or simply for the fun of doing it. 

SUD affects the brain and behavior of an individual. It excites parts of the brain that produce positive emotions and good feelings. Once you start getting high, you seek the substance to get the same desired effect. It wouldn’t take long for your brain to get accustomed to these good feelings, and it will start to seek more of the drug to feel normal. Without the drug, you feel sick, awful, anxious, and irritable. 

You can’t resist or stop using drugs despite being aware of the drastic and fatal consequences. Drug addiction is not confined to contraband substances like heroin, cocaine, and marijuana. Addiction to alcohol, nicotine, sleep, and anti-anxiety medications, pain medications, opioids, and other legal substances are also common.

(Statutory Warning: The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985, also known as the NDPS Act, prohibits any individual from engaging in any activity consisting of production, cultivation, sale, purchase, transport, storage, and/or consumption of any narcotic drug or psychotropic substance in India). 


  • As time passes, there is an increase in the quantity of drug intake  
  • Continue use of drugs despite being aware of harmful effects  
  • Craving more drugs to get the same effect 
  • Dependency on drugs that block out other thoughts 
  • Driving or undertaking risky activities under the influence  
  • Ensuring a constant supply of drugs  
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop taking the drug 
  • Failing to meet personal and professional responsibilities and duties  
  • Getting into unlawful activities to procure drugs  
  • Inability to attend or be part of social or recreational activities  
  • Not being able to stop using the drug 
  • Spending considerable time sourcing the drug, using it, or recovering from its effects  
  • Spends on drugs even if it is unaffordable  
  • Turning argumentative, abusive, violent, and becoming a citizen in conflict with the law  
  • Urge to use the drug regularly — daily or even several times a day

Causes and Reasons

In general, drug users can be classified into two categories. Those who do drugs for pleasure and those who do drugs for pain relief. The other reasons for drug addiction include stress, lonelinessand isolation, peer pressure, and self-medicating. People turn to drugs and alcohol due to depressionand anxiety disorders.


The earlier seek treatment for drug addiction, the more likely you are to save yourself from the terrible effects.  

Consult your doctor for a detailed medical examination and treatment.

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