Emergency Medicine Hospital in Kochi
Amrita Hospital has been the torch bearer of this revolutionary change from the “MBBS doctor/CMO” managed casualty to ER managed by trained Emergency Medicine Physicians. With the first 3-year postgraduate training program (MD-Emergency Medicine) in Kerala, the Department of Emergency Medicine has grown into a reputed centre for emergency care in India. Currently it is one of the largest Emergency Department in the country, in terms of both infrastructure and faculty.
Diseases Treated
- Emergency Room is the “point of first contact” to the hospital at the time of any medical crisis
- Toxicological Emergencies: Snake Bite, Envenomation, Drug Overdose, Poisoning, etc.
- Any Infections/Sepsis: Treatment Protocols initiated in the ER as per international guidelines/standards.
- Cardiac Emergencies: Heart Attack (ACS), Heart Rhythm Problems (Arrhythmias), Cardiac Failure, etc.
- Neurological Emergencies: Acute Stroke, Seizures, Headaches, etc.
- Respiratory Emergencies: Severe Asthma/COPD, Pneumothorax, etc.
- Environmental Emergencies, Burns, etc.
- Surgical Emergencies
- Accident/Trauma Care
- Any Age, Any Time, Any Health-related problem be it medical or surgical, we are there to help you… always!
- ER Team also plays a lead role in hospital cardiac arrest management (Code Blue)
- The entire department has been divided into red, yellow and green areas and patient will be admitted to the corresponding bed based on the initial triaging.
- Echo Cardiogram, Ultrasound Facilities (3 Portable Machines) and X Ray (Portable and Non Portable) facilities inside the Department
- All Point of Care Blood Investigations such as CBC/CRP, ABG, POC INR available inside the Department and provide results within 5 mints
- Seven Dialysis Port available inside the Department
- Pharmacy Services: 24 X 7 dedicated ER pharmacy
- Trauma Operation Theatre: Functioning 24 x 7 within the department complex.
- WHO recognised toxicology centre in India
- 24 X 7 managed by experienced and NMC recognised post graduate faculties /
- Separate Observation area (25 beds) for long stay cases inside the department
- Dedicated Paediatric and Neonatal recitation area
- All beds are monitored
- These are just a few highlights from the nearly 200 critically ill patients whom we transport every month.
- All equipped ambulances are fully air-conditioned, spacious and with meticulously designed interiors meeting international standards.
- Uninterrupted power supply
- Cardiac Monitor
- Pulse Oximeter (to check the oxygen level)
- ET Co2 monitoring
- Ventilator (respirator) for use in patients with respiratory failure
- High and Bipap Machine
- Defibrillator
- Pacemaker if the patient has a “heart block” or Bradycardia.
- Ambu- box containing lifesaving medicines and equipment.
- The ICU ambulance is accompanied by an Emergency Physician, 2 Nurses and Ambulance Technician.
- Speciality Department doctors available 24 X 7
- Dedicated Respiratory Therapist for Ventilated patients and NIV Patients
Why Choose Us?
Amrita Emergency Department is the one of the oldest, largest and most well equipped department in the country. It has been providing quality emergency medicine post graduate programmes for more than 10 years.
What We Offer
- Emergency Room is the “point of first contact” to the hospital at the time of any medical crisis
- Toxicological Emergencies: Snake Bite, Envenomation, Drug Overdose, Poisoning, etc.
- Any Infections/Sepsis: Treatment Protocols initiated in the ER as per international guidelines/standards.
- Cardiac Emergencies: Heart Attack (ACS), Heart Rhythm Problems (Arrhythmias), Cardiac Failure, etc.
- Neurological Emergencies: Acute Stroke, Seizures, Headaches, etc.
- Respiratory Emergencies: Severe Asthma/COPD, Pneumothorax, etc.
- Environmental Emergencies, Burns, etc.
- Surgical Emergencies
- Accident/Trauma Care
- Any Age, Any Time, Any Health-related problem be it medical or surgical, we are there to help you… always!
- ER Team also plays a lead role in hospital cardiac arrest management (Code Blue)
Ambulance Services: Expertise on the wheels
- To transport critically ill patients to our centre for expert care. The ambulances are Mobile Intensive Care Units with advanced monitoring facilities and ventilators.
- The Amrita Hospital Mobile ICU can be utilized by the general public and also as per requests from other hospitals who wish to shift a patient to our center.
- The “Advanced Care – Ambulance Team” also includes a trained doctor, emergency technician, and a nurse who are well equipped to transfer critically ill patients.
- Amrita Hospital Ambulance Services has several accolades in the recent past including:
- Transport of donor liver from Thiruvananthapuram to Kochi in record time via road.
- Transport of a ventilated patient from Kochi to Ahmedabad.
- Transport of twin babies, both on ventilator, in the same ambulance from Alappuzha to Amrita Hospital.
Nearly 200 critically ill patients whom we transport every month.
All equipped ambulances are fully air-conditioned, spacious and with meticulously designed interiors meeting international standards.
Supportive Services
- Clinical Toxicology: Part of the Poison Control Centre (PCC), and offers unique facilities in the area of toxicology.
- Blood Bank Services: 24 x 7 Blood and Blood products supply.
- Pharmacy Services: 24 X 7 dedicated ER pharmacy
- Trauma Operation Theatre: Functioning 24 x 7 within the department complex.
- Radiological Services: CT / MRI and Interventional Radiology Support along with routine radiological imageries.
- 24 X 7 backup from speciality and super speciality departments.
Our Philosophy
Prevent further injury, promote recovery, preserve life
- The department is visited by more than 25,000 patients per year.
- Our 24 x 7 in-hospital specialty services include emergency dialysis facility, cardiac pacing and emergency endoscopy.
- Dedicated Ultrasonographic Machine for aiding diagnosis and also assisting emergency procedures.
- Triage Area / Observation Area -3
- Red Area - 5
- Yellow Area -15
- Green Area –
- Neonatal Resuscitation Area -1
- Decontamination Area -1
- Procedure Room – 3 beds
- Emergency Critical Care Unit – 20
- Private Rooms -3
- Emergency OT – 1
- Gynaecology bay -1
Fellowship Programmes/ Trainings
- Emergency Medicine Fellowship program
International Collaborations
- Emerge
- Disaster Medicine
Outreach Program
We have been providing outreach programs on CPR Training across Kerala for more than a decade
Contact Us
Phone: 0484 - 2856666, 0484 – 6686666
E mail: [email protected]
Emergency Medicine Hospital in Kochi
Amrita Hospital has been the torch bearer of this revolutionary change from the “MBBS doctor/CMO” managed casualty to ER managed by trained Emergency Medicine Physicians. With the first 3-year postgraduate training program (MD-Emergency Medicine) in Kerala, the Department of Emergency Medicine has grown into a reputed centre for emergency care in India. Currently it is one of the largest Emergency Department in the country, in terms of both infrastructure and faculty.
Diseases Treated
- Emergency Room is the “point of first contact” to the hospital at the time of any medical crisis
- Toxicological Emergencies: Snake Bite, Envenomation, Drug Overdose, Poisoning, etc.
- Any Infections/Sepsis: Treatment Protocols initiated in the ER as per international guidelines/standards.
- Cardiac Emergencies: Heart Attack (ACS), Heart Rhythm Problems (Arrhythmias), Cardiac Failure, etc.
- Neurological Emergencies: Acute Stroke, Seizures, Headaches, etc.
- Respiratory Emergencies: Severe Asthma/COPD, Pneumothorax, etc.
- Environmental Emergencies, Burns, etc.
- Surgical Emergencies
- Accident/Trauma Care
- Any Age, Any Time, Any Health-related problem be it medical or surgical, we are there to help you… always!
- ER Team also plays a lead role in hospital cardiac arrest management (Code Blue)
- The entire department has been divided into red, yellow and green areas and patient will be admitted to the corresponding bed based on the initial triaging.
- Echo Cardiogram, Ultrasound Facilities (3 Portable Machines) and X Ray (Portable and Non Portable) facilities inside the Department
- All Point of Care Blood Investigations such as CBC/CRP, ABG, POC INR available inside the Department and provide results within 5 mints
- Seven Dialysis Port available inside the Department
- Pharmacy Services: 24 X 7 dedicated ER pharmacy
- Trauma Operation Theatre: Functioning 24 x 7 within the department complex.
- WHO recognised toxicology centre in India
- 24 X 7 managed by experienced and NMC recognised post graduate faculties /
- Separate Observation area (25 beds) for long stay cases inside the department
- Dedicated Paediatric and Neonatal recitation area
- All beds are monitored
- These are just a few highlights from the nearly 200 critically ill patients whom we transport every month.
- All equipped ambulances are fully air-conditioned, spacious and with meticulously designed interiors meeting international standards.
- Uninterrupted power supply
- Cardiac Monitor
- Pulse Oximeter (to check the oxygen level)
- ET Co2 monitoring
- Ventilator (respirator) for use in patients with respiratory failure
- High and Bipap Machine
- Defibrillator
- Pacemaker if the patient has a “heart block” or Bradycardia.
- Ambu- box containing lifesaving medicines and equipment.
- The ICU ambulance is accompanied by an Emergency Physician, 2 Nurses and Ambulance Technician.
- Speciality Department doctors available 24 X 7
- Dedicated Respiratory Therapist for Ventilated patients and NIV Patients
Why Choose Us?
Amrita Emergency Department is the one of the oldest, largest and most well equipped department in the country. It has been providing quality emergency medicine post graduate programmes for more than 10 years.
What We Offer
- Emergency Room is the “point of first contact” to the hospital at the time of any medical crisis
- Toxicological Emergencies: Snake Bite, Envenomation, Drug Overdose, Poisoning, etc.
- Any Infections/Sepsis: Treatment Protocols initiated in the ER as per international guidelines/standards.
- Cardiac Emergencies: Heart Attack (ACS), Heart Rhythm Problems (Arrhythmias), Cardiac Failure, etc.
- Neurological Emergencies: Acute Stroke, Seizures, Headaches, etc.
- Respiratory Emergencies: Severe Asthma/COPD, Pneumothorax, etc.
- Environmental Emergencies, Burns, etc.
- Surgical Emergencies
- Accident/Trauma Care
- Any Age, Any Time, Any Health-related problem be it medical or surgical, we are there to help you… always!
- ER Team also plays a lead role in hospital cardiac arrest management (Code Blue)
Ambulance Services: Expertise on the wheels
- To transport critically ill patients to our centre for expert care. The ambulances are Mobile Intensive Care Units with advanced monitoring facilities and ventilators.
- The Amrita Hospital Mobile ICU can be utilized by the general public and also as per requests from other hospitals who wish to shift a patient to our center.
- The “Advanced Care – Ambulance Team” also includes a trained doctor, emergency technician, and a nurse who are well equipped to transfer critically ill patients.
- Amrita Hospital Ambulance Services has several accolades in the recent past including:
- Transport of donor liver from Thiruvananthapuram to Kochi in record time via road.
- Transport of a ventilated patient from Kochi to Ahmedabad.
- Transport of twin babies, both on ventilator, in the same ambulance from Alappuzha to Amrita Hospital.
Nearly 200 critically ill patients whom we transport every month.
All equipped ambulances are fully air-conditioned, spacious and with meticulously designed interiors meeting international standards.
Supportive Services
- Clinical Toxicology: Part of the Poison Control Centre (PCC), and offers unique facilities in the area of toxicology.
- Blood Bank Services: 24 x 7 Blood and Blood products supply.
- Pharmacy Services: 24 X 7 dedicated ER pharmacy
- Trauma Operation Theatre: Functioning 24 x 7 within the department complex.
- Radiological Services: CT / MRI and Interventional Radiology Support along with routine radiological imageries.
- 24 X 7 backup from speciality and super speciality departments.
Our Philosophy
Prevent further injury, promote recovery, preserve life
- The department is visited by more than 25,000 patients per year.
- Our 24 x 7 in-hospital specialty services include emergency dialysis facility, cardiac pacing and emergency endoscopy.
- Dedicated Ultrasonographic Machine for aiding diagnosis and also assisting emergency procedures.
- Triage Area / Observation Area -3
- Red Area - 5
- Yellow Area -15
- Green Area –
- Neonatal Resuscitation Area -1
- Decontamination Area -1
- Procedure Room – 3 beds
- Emergency Critical Care Unit – 20
- Private Rooms -3
- Emergency OT – 1
- Gynaecology bay -1
Fellowship Programmes/ Trainings
- Emergency Medicine Fellowship program
International Collaborations
- Emerge
- Disaster Medicine
Outreach Program
We have been providing outreach programs on CPR Training across Kerala for more than a decade
Contact Us
Phone: 0484 - 2856666, 0484 – 6686666
E mail: [email protected]