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Goonj – 2nd Amrita Cochlear Implant Surgical Instruction Course

Goonj - Amrita Cochlear Implant Surgical Instruction Course was conducted at Amrita Hospital, Faridabad, from February 21 -22, 2025, by Dr Shomeshwar Singh MS DLO FRCS MD, Senior Consultant and Adjunct Professor of Cochlear Implants and his team.

The course was attended by 5 Senior ENT Surgeons from North India.

Day 1 was spent on doing Cochlear Implant surgery on cadavers. Dr Singh discussed the surgical steps threadbare to help build up confidence in doing this complex procedure. Hands on surgery on Cadavers further cemented the concepts. Surgeons also had access to insertion models to practice cochlear implant electrode insertion.

Day 2 was focused on Radiology (CT and MRI Scans) in cochlear implant surgery. Dr Singh discussed reading these scans on films and using dicom images on computer to clear any doubts and instill confidence in Surgeons in reading scans by themselves.

Audiology and Rehabilitation topics were covered by interactive lectures by Invited Faculty. (Ms Ritu Nakra LSLS Cert. AVT Specialist and Ms Meenakshi Wadera, Director Meenakshi Speech and Hearing)

There was also a section on using Augmented Mixed reality (by Brain Lab) to understand the complex anatomy in cochlear implant surgery. Surgeons wore 3D glasses and could literally walk into projected middle and inner ear spaces to understand the anatomy in great detail. This is the first time; Mixed reality has been used like this for training.

If you are interested in attending the next Goonj, in May / June 2025, please get in touch with us. 
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Feedback from ENT Surgeons who attended the course:

Goonj 2025 held at Amrita Faridabad was an amazing learning experience with detailed in-depth practical tips on the surgical steps. The cadavers provided were well preserved. Really enjoyed one on one discussion with Dr Shomeshwar and how he put across his vast experience in simple, doable steps. Highly indebt for such an exposure. Thank you" – IK

"Goonj 2025, Amrita cochlear implant surgical instruction course, was an exceptional learning experience for us. Dr. Shomeshwar Singh and his team delivered insightful lectures covering anatomical nuances, radiology, surgical techniques and difficult situations and their management in a very simple and friendly environment. The course was so engrossing that we never realized when the 2 days passed. Overall, the workshop was highly informative and invaluable for both budding and experienced surgeons, reinforcing best practices in cochlear implantation." – NK

"Amrita Cochlear Implant Surgical Instruction Course, date 22 & 23 of February 2025 workshop is really fantastic, good learning and teaching course for me about cochlear implant basic to all topmost surgical steps. In India this institute (Amrita Hospital, Faridabad) is best for this workshop. Dr. Shomeshwar Singh Sir & Dr. Aparna Mahajan Madam guided me all steps on cadaver to reach cochlear implant successful in cochlea. Dr. Shomeshwar Singh Sir & Dr. Aparna Mahajan Madam are very good teachers for this course. Thanks to all of the organizers to arrange this course & special thanks to Department of E. N. T., Amrita Hospital, Faridabad." – MRM

"Fantastic workshop! Everything was well-arranged, making it a great & learning experience." – SK

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