If you live in and around Delhi NCR and are reading this, chances are, that you have been coughing, sneezing, felling unwell and tired, for the past few weeks, well you have been affected by the annual air pollution disaster, that hits Delhi during this season, for the past few years. India as per, WHO is one of the most polluted countries in the world and Delhi NCR region is unfortunately the most polluted city in the country. The air quality in our city is hazardous and toxic to all organs systems of the body. As a chest physician working in Delhi, over the past few days, I have been experiencing a surge in the number of patients coming with acute respiratory distress and worsening asthma. As the father of a 5 year old child who was born in this city and will perhaps live here, for a substantial time of her life, I am scared! Will my child be affected by this pollution? Will her life span be decreased, if her still developing lungs are exposed to such high levels of pollution? Will this pollution affect her IQ and overall intelligence? The answer to all these questions is an unfortunate yes. Research has clearly shown, that air pollution is a major killer and has adverse effects not only on the lungs, but also on body organs, including mental health and IQ.
On a larger scale, we need to start involving the Government authorities and fight for our right to breathe. On a personal level , there are a few things which might help us cope better with the menace of pollution. First and foremost, if you have any respiratory diseases, see your physician. They will prescribe you with inhaled medicines, pumps, rotacaps etc. if it is required. Please do not shy away from using Pumps and inhalers. These drugs are absolutely safe if used correctly, and will help you breathe better. Every time you step out of your house, use a N-95 mask to cover your face and nose. These masks come with a shelf life and need to be replaced periodically. If you have any chronic illness, please ask your physician, if you can be given the pneumonia and flu vaccines. Air pollution, makes you more prone to lung infections and vaccines will help you in preventing these infections. It has been seen that the air quality inside our homes and offices is at times, worse than the air outside!
Many people ask us if air purifiers are helpful. Well if you live in a place where air quality is poor and any of the family members has any chronic/ cardio-respiratory disease, it makes good sense to buy an air purifier. Make sure your air purifier is HEPA/Carbon filter based, and does not release ozone. Most of these air purifiers are effective in improving the air quality for standard size Indian rooms. Apart from these measures, eat a well balanced healthy diet. Include fruits, vegetables and nuts in your diet and do some form of physical activity every day.